Renge Is The Most Creative Here!

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "The people who gave it to me called it the hero's flute. You know how to play those, right?"

Konomi: "I think that was just a nickname. I don't know of any flute's that look like that." I'll ask my teacher about it later just to be sure, though.

The bus eventually stops at their branch school.

Y/n: "Goodbye."

Konomi: "Bye-bye." 

Walking off the bus, they don't have to walk much further. The school is empty as usual. Arriving early means waiting a while before anyone shows up. Sensei is the only exception. Though, she's required to be there first. Komari and Natsumi are almost always the last people to arrive. On occasions, it's Y/n. As of late, Hotaru's been the last to arrive. That's most likely because she has a dog to deal with. Depending on who Y/n's staying over with, he could be first or last. If he's staying with Renge, then he'll be early or arrive at the same time as the others. If he's staying at Natsumi and Komari's, then he'll arrive on time or a little later. If Komari's already left, then he and Natsumi will be late. If Kaede is looking after him, then he'll always arrive on time. Today he arrived early. Now he has to wait for the bus to loop around and pick up the others. It takes anywhere from twenty to thirty minutes. Renge chooses to wait at her seat. Y/n decides to polish his Shisa statue while he waits outside.

Y/n: I should get a second shishi. Carving them is a real pain, though.

While preparing his stock for the week, the others finally arrive.

Natsumi: "Oi, Y/n-chi!"

She runs over to him.

Natsumi: "Got any juice boxes?"

Y/n: "Nara, apple, or orange?"

Natsumi: *She closes her eyes* "Hmmm." I had apple yesterday. "Nara!"

Y/N: "Good choice." 

He takes out a small box of nara juice and tosses it over to Natsumi. While she fumbles with the catch, she doesn't drop it.

Natsumi: "Safe!"

Komari: "How come you're here early?"

Y/n: "Renge wanted to leave early."

Hotaru: "Where's Renge-chan?"

Y/n: "In class."

He stands up and joins the others as they make their way to first period.

Komari: "Are you going anywhere for the long weekend?"

Hotaru: "Only shopping with my parents. Momma-I mean, my mom has something she wants to buy."

Natsumi: "Nee-chan, I want to go shopping too."

Komari: "Didn't mom tell you to clean your first?"

Y/n: "I'm also going to shop. I want to get film for my camera."

Hotaru: "You have a camera?"

Y/n: *He nods* "My dad's film camera. It's super cool! It has a long zoom feature."

Natsumi: *While sliding the door* "Ren-chon, you're here early."

Komari: "Come here to practice?"

Renge: "I wanna be able to play this song right for someone."

Hotaru: "Who?"

Renge: "It's a secret."

Y/n: I don't remember that part.

Renge: "I'm also going to practice with Konomi-nee soon."

Komari: "Oh, right. Konomi-chan plays the flute at her high school."

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