put me to work

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He likes a challenge, he really does.

But this, he thinks, might just be pushing him a little too hard. He's had his fair share of serial killer cases over the years, and managed to do perfectly well getting through the double shifts and sometimes the extra amount of research that he needs in order to pin down the specifics to help Mac and the previous forensics teams before that.

This one, however, is completely different. The bodies have been coming in to his table far more often than he would like, the FBI want in and are sending their apparently elite team of profilers in sometime over the next 3 days, which has done nothing other than doubling the amount of pressure on Mac and the team upstairs. There's no doubt in his mind that they'll be down here as soon as they get off the plane from Quantico to interrogate him on his findings, which he would usually be fine with, if this case wasn't turning out to be so goddamned difficult for him. His stress levels have rocketed through the roof, and he's lost count of the double shifts he's pulled over the past month.

It doesn't take a profiler to realize that whoever's doing this is an extremely skilled individual, and his stomach doesn't actually roll until he thinks about how long they must've been doing this to get good at it.

He sure as hell has got his work cut out for him this time.

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