Chapter 2 - Kitty

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~×° Felix Time! °×~

Felix had stayed in a happy mood after meeting the others, he was happy to know more people like him!

Currently he was in his cat form, laying on the couch watching his owner do/try doing yoga and failing to do some of the poses, cursing at the TV saying That 'not everyone could do the poses shithead'

The cursing was interrupted by ava's phone ringing, She answered it and they heard loud purring

"Hello?" Ava asked

"Oh, hi! Can you do me a favour?"
The person at the end of the line (who he thinks its the owner of One of the guys) asked

"Depends on what it is, the last time i almost put my cat on fire

With a loud meow from Felix, he heard the cat on the other line meowed back

After the cat meowed, Felix could tell That it was Jeongin, so he Started purring

"Oh come on it wasn't That bad! And its none of That!!"
The other said

"What do you need?" Ava asked. Already growing tired of the conversation Felix got up from the couch and went to where Ava was sitting and sat on the little hole her legs made, purring when She Started to pet him

"I just need help with my garden, and you know its big so i need your help in it, it can take a full day so if you don't want to i could just do it myself!"
The other said

"No need Yuu, i'll go. Should i bring some clothes? To sleep Over?"
Ava asked

"Yeah, that's the best. Bring Felix too, Jeongin can play with him!" Yuu said

"I was gonna do That even if you didn't tell me" Ava said

∆¶°TIME SKIP°¶∆ -To when they got to the house-

Ava knocked on the white Door, after some time the Door opened

A cat running out of the house towards them

Felix jumped out of ava's arms and ran to Jeongin too

Rubbing the top of their heads in the other, the two cats got inside, they Started to play with each other while their owners Started to get the things ready

Eventually the 2 got tired of playing and just layed on the ground near each other, purring quietly

Felix was almost falling asleep with Jeongin licking and rubbing his head until their owners got inside for a Quick break to drink water and give food to the two

As jeongin's owner put his food on the floor he waited until Felix got his so That they could eat together

"Jeongin should start eating, Felix takes some time to eat because of the pill i have to put on his food" Ava said to Yuu

Jeongin meowed confused

Felix rubbed his head on the Side of the others head to signalise That he was okay and so Jeongin didn't need to worry

"Don't worry Jeongin, its just pills for pain!" Ava said while petting their heads

Jeongin then Started eating while Felix was eating everything but the pill

Of course Ava though, as She sighed, sitting down on the ground falling for Felix

He went to her but stayed far enough so That She couldn't grab him

"Come on, lets not do this, yeah?" She said

Felix meowed angrily and went to her

She picked up the pill and pulled Felix into her lap

Opening his mouth with One hand Ava put the pill inside it, closing his mouth so That he didn't spit it out and rubbing his neck gently to help it going down

She let go after some time, Felix getting off of her and going to Jeongin who was waiting patiently for him

Laying down Next to him Felix Started purring already closing his eyes

Their owners left again to tend to the garden, leaving them Alone once more

Jeongin decided to Also take a nap, as he had nothing more to do as he had a sleeping Felix against him

Rubbing the top of his head to the back of the others head Jeongin let sleep overtake him

∆¶°TIME SKIP°¶∆ -To in the middle of the night-

Felix woke up to someone licking his head

He opened his eyes slowly and purred with the sight of Jeongin in his human form smiling at him

Felix smiled too noticing That he Also was in his human form

-hello! This is the part That i stopped at so let's continue it!!-

"Innie!" Felix Said quietly, he threw himself to Jeongin's body making them fall

Jeongin held him trying not to make too much noise because their owners were sleeping

"Hello, Lix." Jeongin Said smiling back at Felix who Gave him a beautiful smile

They had stayed cuddling until they fell back asleep, Jeongin fell asleep last so he got the precious face of Felix and his stars to look at

T I M E   S K I P - Some weeks later

Ava and her friends had decided to Hangout on the beach, of course they came with the 'cats' so they wouldn't get bored at home

Ava and Felix were the first ones to arrive, Ava came with a basket with food and a Picnic blanket while Felix was in his cat form with a little blanket strapped on his back

His tail up in the air with the tip Curling, cat walking behind Ava looking around

They waited for the others to arrive, Felix was with his belly up laying on his blanket purring

He was starting to get bored so he got up and went to play with the water- even though he doesn't like water-

He was waiting for the wave just to run from it

Some time later the others had arrived but Felix didn't notice so he continued to play with the water

The others were staring at him playing, waiting him to come to them

They heard barking and turned their heads to look for the dog who was barking

They didn't really like dogs, but if the dog doesn't annoy them too much they can live with it

But the dog just didn't stop barking, and each time the barking go louder

Of course Felix heard it and stopped playing and looked around for it

He looked beside him and saw a medium sized dog, a labrador retriever from what he could remember from the documentary about dogs at his house

It looked like the dog was running at him so he froze, he didn't really like dogs, mainly because before he was adopted by Ava he had been attacked by a group of dogs, he had managed to escape without much damage on him and that's when he met Ava

Ava knew about him and dogs so She called him over when She noticed

Felix was walking towards her looking at the dog, a big wave was made so he got pushed a bit when the wave came in contact with his paws and legs, he fell in the sand

He got up and shook the water and sand off his body

Ava now had gotten up and was walking to him

She Started running when the dog was too close for her liking

The dog was faster


Y'all I'm trying😭 but I write and suddenly I don't have any ideas I just know that the dog was gonna attack lix but the others save him.

Sorry for making y'all wait

Next chapter it won't continue from here, it'll be a sleepover😌

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