Rebelling Strike - [II]

Start from the beginning

Jack: Haaaaa-


(Arsène is quickly drawn out.)

Arsène: SHAH!

(He makes a knee strike into Jack's body, pushing him away. Joker quickly withdraws Arsène back and follows it with a punch using his right.)

Jack: !

(Jack quickly deflects it with his left forearm.)

Jack: Persona!

(Fantomas is summoned and quickly punches Joker's face.)

Joker: UNH-

(Joker is pushed back, Jack quickly goes to punch Joker with his left.)

Joker: !

(Joker quickly grabs hold of Jack's arm, Arsène punches his bicep, briefly distorting it.)

Jack: GAAAH!

(As Joker holds his arm, Jack briefly looks up in pain, then he goes to punch Joker's ribs on his left side.)

Joker: GAH-

(Jack repeats the same move, this time it made Joker let go of his arm and briefly stagger back.)

Jack: NOW!

Fantomas: YAAH!

(Fantomas makes a right hook into Joker's face.)

Joker: UNNH-...

(Joker is staggered back again. Jack makes a left side kick into Joker's body.)

Joker: URRGH-

(Fantomas goes for a roundhouse kick with his right into Joker's head. But the latter notices.)

Joker: !

(Arsène is summoned and quickly stops the kick by locking Fantomas's leg against his body.)

Arsène: HMMPH!

(Arsène strikes Fantomas's knee with his right elbow, snapping it, followed by making a backhand punch into his face, pushing him away.)

Jack: Tch- Hmph!

(Jack quickly makes two roundhouse kicks into Joker, one being at his body and the other at his head.)

Joker: UNF-

Jack: Fantomas!

Fantomas: HMMPH!

(Fantomas makes a push kick to Joker's body.)

Joker: UCK!

(Joker's eyes dilated, feeling the excruciating pain, he is then sent away, tumbling through the floor.)

Jack: Heh....

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