Chapter 15: Only The Spirits Know

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It took longer for Aleyna to come around than it had the previous times. When she was finally aware of her surroundings, her head was spinning, and she felt utterly exhausted.

'My lady, you've returned to us.'

Was that relief she detected in the voice?

'Speak to us, my lady. Tell us all you know.'

This voice was different. It was colder, more commanding. It was the voice of a man who was used to getting his own way.

Aleyna slowly turned to face him. 'I feel like I was gone for some time,' she said to him.

'It matters not how long the awakening lasts, my lady. You were safe with us.'

Was she? The warning of the three Spirits suggested she could not trust this man, or any of them. Could it be true? In all honesty, she couldn't say she felt safe. In fact, at that moment, all she wanted was Arner and this night to be over.

'My lady?' the man prompted.

'What would you have me tell you?'

'All that the spirits told you.'

Again, those words of caution surfaced in her mind. 'I was lost to darkness for so much of it...' she eventually said. 'Drifting in a sea of black. Briefly, the shadow gave way to colour, and I saw... I saw the same three spirits as earlier.' Aleyna shivered, but not this time in terror, rather the cold of the cavern was beginning to bite.

'And what did they say?'

'Only this.' She swallowed hard as she recalled the exact words the Bear Man had uttered. 'A prophecy is awakening, and Aleyna Rienenska is the one.'

'They told you this.'


'Which prophecy did they speak of?' Something had changed in the demeanour of the man. There was a sharpness in his words and meanness in his voice. He clutched at Aleyna's arms tightly, as if he might shake her. 'Did they name it? Did they tell you anything else?'


'Nothing?' he demanded.

'No. There was only more darkness, and then I woke up. Please, you're hurting me.'

Something in the man's eyes cleared, and for a moment he looked down at his hands, as if only now realising what he was doing with them.

'Forgive me, my lady. I...I...Ijust needed to know.' He stood up.

'I wish to leave now,' Aleyna said, gathering her courage. She had spent long enough undertaking this ordeal, an ordeal she now realised was more than a simple ritual awakening. She sensed danger.

'Yes, she can go,' the man said to a subordinate. 'We can learn no more from her at present. Return her to the king.' He then walked away, disappearing into the shadows beyond the light of the candles.

'Come, my lady. You must be exhausted,' the attendant said, kindly helping her to her feet. He offered her his arm, which she took out of necessity for she could barely stand. 'Can you walk, my lady? I can carry you if not.'

'I think I can manage.'

The going was slow, but she could walk. Once they were out of the cavernous room, the man took off his shawl and wrapped it about her.

'Thank you,' she whispered.

'They should not have let you get so cold, my lady.'

The man led the way through the labyrinthine corridors, at first in silence, but then he began to talk quietly.

The Convert Queen: Prophecy FulfilledWhere stories live. Discover now