3| Dreams

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𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒚 𝑷𝑶𝑽

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𝑩𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒚 𝑷𝑶𝑽

He visits my dreams.

Rarely, but when he does, I take a minute to contain myself.

My dreams of him are never elaborate or full of some wet, soul dripping fantasy. It's simple and cute, just like he is. Like in my dream last night, for instance, he visited me with his gaming crew and we hung out, talking about gaming and food.

We love talking about food.

He keeps telling me he's a skilled cook, but I have yet to test this theory.

Maybe I only dream of him when I desire to spend more time with him, since I don't hang out with him as often as I like to.

To say we live in the same city, it's sometimes hard for us to get together. I keep busy with sewing, designing and working and he's always gaming, going to tournaments and doing his thing. He's so amazing and incredibly humble. Like, how many twenty-somethings you know who are millionaires with their lives together? I wish I could be like him.

Perhaps we should swap minds for a day so I can learn how to be as mature as he...

Work's been so exciting lately. I'm assisting on the set of a new romance comedy with an amazing cast. I believe it will be on a streaming service. Mason and I can have a date night at my apartment and watch it, or perhaps Lia could come over. I would like it if my boyfriend would see it with me, but he will brush it off and say, "you and Lia watch it babe. Have some girl time."

Girl time is fun, but what I really want is some game time. Kookie was online last night playing, but he wasn't streaming. I had so much work I needed to finish, so I couldn't join him. Gaming is my stress release and I should make more time for it. But work demands most of my minutes on and off the clock. Perhaps I should dream about gaming, and then I can satisfy that desire.

But seriously, I can't stop thinking about this dream.

Our conversation seems so real, especially when he runs his fingers through his hair and bites down on his pierced lip. When he rubs his tattooed hands while he thinks, I giggle at him and tease him about it. I'm not sure of the exact moment when we became friends, but we would spend hours playing and talking. The fact of us being in the same city blew my mind, confirming our friendship was destiny.

You know that feeling of meeting someone online and having an instant connection with them—-like you're not even strangers when you meet but two souls finding each other again.

That's what he's like, my long-lost friend I never knew. However, I sense our connection is a little dim now because Mason has been wanting to move in with me, and I'm not sure if I want him to.

Most girls would jump at the idea of their boyfriends living with them, but I'm not most girls. My space is my space and I enjoy my quiet moments when I get them. I like to keep all the weird stuff I do (like after I lotion my feet, I put on my socks and slide across my hall floor naked) to myself. Things like this I want to keep behind close doors from others. Even Mason.

I love Mason, but giving up my freedom is not something I want to do.

He knows about my gaming friends like Kookie, Tae, and Jin. He also knows Kookie and I meet up sometimes for coffee. Mason doesn't give me the impression of jealousy, but his actions speak of it.

If he knows Kookie and I were gaming, he would call or shower me with texts. When Kookie and I meet for coffee, he'd be in the same area so we could all meet. I stopped mentioning my boyfriend around Kookie, though I didn't talk about him much in the beginning other than I was seeing someone. I wasn't online looking for a hookup and only wanted some friends to play with.

He probably wonders why I don't mention Mason, but there isn't anything to talk about. I sometimes talk about my boyfriend with Lia because she's my bestie. My girl! My ride or die! Besides, wouldn't it be a little awkward to speak on these things with Kookie?

Anyway, he's dating—-but now, since I think about it, he never mentions her. I should make a note to ask him about her.

But it's none of my business. He can share with me whatever he wants and I will be his friend, regardless. But as his friend, and after last night, I have to wonder...

...does he dream of me too?

Cupid 💘

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