Chapter 3 - Eye to Eye

Start from the beginning

At that moment, a loud bang came from outside catching her attention right away.

She yelled out, "Ram! Ram! What the hell is going on? Ram!"

But no one answered. The noise outside gradually grew intense.

Ritu struggled to drag her body off the bed. It took a great amount of effort from her to get to the wheelchair. She managed to sit on the wheelchair and rolled the wheels towards the window that overlooked the garden and the entrance of Ishani. Pulling the curtain aside, she witnessed the unexpected scene outside horror-struck.

There was a large mob gathered outside the main gate of the villa. The guards were trying their best to resist them but the crowd was pressing on the gate over the guards. She noticed Ganesh and Rehan ran outside with their phone in their ears. The mob held multiple placards, flags, and banners that showed accusing words against Abhimanyu. Many of them held their phones up high to record the movement.

Ritu gulped apprehensively.

The crowd went violent shortly after as the security guards used their batons on them. A few protestors started throwing rocks and pebbles through and over the main gate.

Within moments of this brawl broke out, police sirens were heard from the distance. Three police cars stopped outside the villa and several police jumped out of them. They used a mic to warn the crowd. Although the crowd thinned out from in front of the gate, still a few of them lingered close by. The policemen controlled the crowd by pushing them away from the gate while three officers came inside and talked to Ganesh and Rehan. They exchanged a few words before turning towards the building.

Ritu closed the curtain and moved her chair towards the door.

As she came out on the balcony that overlooked the hall and main entrance, she saw the policemen entering the villa with Ganesh. Rehan stayed behind at the door.

Her eyes swayed towards the sitting area. Her parents, Abhimanyu, Shreya along with Vijay (Abhiraj's best friend), Ravi (Abhiraj's P.A.), Kirti (Vijay's P.A.) and Sunny (Abhimanyu's P.A.) were all gathered with a grim expression on their faces.

As the policemen approached, they rose from their respective seats. Abhiraj and Vijay stepped ahead and shook hands with the officer-in-charge.

"Officer, this is getting out of hands," Vijay said, concern lacing his voice. "Yesterday, they attacked Roy, today they have nearly invaded his private property. Since we already know who's behind this, then why is the man still not arrested? What's stopping you from arresting him?"

The officer held up his hand. "Look Mr. Hazra, the public is infuriated right now. We cannot make a rash move going outside the law. Also, the trial of the murder case is yet to be conducted. If and only if, the charges against Mr. Abhimanyu Roy proves to be false, then we can take actions. Not before that. We can certainly provide protection."

"Then please do. And why cannot you take action against them? They are taking the law in hand. That's not how it's supposed to be!"

The officer sighed. "The matter is sensitive. It's a matter of an orphanage. People's sentiment has been provoked."

"But we bought the plot legally!" Vijay raised his voice.

"Yes, I understand that." The officer responded equally firmly. "However, we cannot overlook the fact that the last dialled number from late Mr. Basu's phone was of Mr. Abhimanyu's. They talked for three minutes straight. It can play a huge role in the case if, somehow, they became successful in providing the call recording."

Vijay flipped out. "Now you're assuming things! You can't imply the call recording would go against Manyu's alibi. There might not be anything that can prove him guilty. Plus, they can alter the file too."

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