Chapter 36: Song of Songs 6:4

Start from the beginning

Out of mere instinct Evelynn kneeled down surrendering, with this weapon in the battlefield Evelynn would rather surrender. Kai'sa began shaking in fear and soon kneeled down, puzzled by this Akali dropped her weapons, she didn't recognize this weapon as a matter of fact she didn't understand what it fully meant.

Akali: Just to be sure... Are we cool now? They surrender and so do I...

The spear disappeared when y/n stopped griping on it, the ring returned on to his finger as he accepted this surrender without many problems.

Y/n: You fully understand that you cannot force me into anything right?

Akali: Yeah we... We get it... But please come with us... No one deserves to go through grief alone... I know i fucked up badly, like pretty bad, Damn even saying that i fucked up can't compare to the horrible mistake i made.

Ahri: We're not asking for forgiveness, we just want to help you... I couldn't help you then but please let me help you now...

Ahri still maintained the distance still trying to approach him, it hurt her seeing his face with the stain of black tears and those dark wings that once had a beautiful perly white. She slowly approached him with caution, she didn't want a possible misunderstanding.

She was face to face with him, she slowly reached for his hands and placed them in her vastaya ears. This was the ultimate sign of love of her tribe or at least that was how she felt about it.

Y/n felt his heart pumping something that wasn't hate, his eyes were starting to turn crystalline.

Ahri: Even if the old y/n is dead and gone, i love every version of you my dear

Ahri slowly wrapped his around y/n's waist, hugging him gently... Y/n felt like for a moment the future that was planned for him disappeared into ashes...

Y/n: I-

Ahri: Don't worry my love, it's okay

"The Darkness faded away... And so did the light... Where am i heading now?" y/n's head echoed, there seemed like he was lost in a space full of thoughts and long forgotten memories.

Akali: Let's just go home alright big guy? I'll make sure to cook you something that isn't Ramen, I have a sweet recipe of sashimi that i think you'll love.

Y/n couldn't say nothing, he was out of words. He felt the urge to let go of his emotions but he refused to let everything out, he had to hold the feelings in.

Y/n: Stop using your powers on me... Please...

Ahri looked puzzled as she directed her stare towards y/ns face, there was tears running down his face that ran accordingly to the marks he had...

Ahri: I'm not using any magic...

Evelynn and Kai'sa couldn't look up, they were afraid of him since he was using the spear known not only for sealing the void but also for many other militar campaigns that heaven did after the void war.

Ahri softly smiled as she sweetly grabbed y/n's cheek and pulled him gently for a soft kiss.

(Now you may be wondering "Why didn't they try that first?" and I'd gladly tell you... Plot.)

Ahri: i don't care how much time we where apart, i still love you with the same intensity  than before...

Y/n tried to keep it together, he felt lost, with no actual propuse like if there was no place he could be safe. But Ahri was offering him to be safe in some way. Still this was a pretty bad idea, Y/n remembered a little and he had few good memories involving this group.

Y/n: I became this so i could be with you...

Y/n whispered to himself as he remembered doing a deal to still be alive in some way.

???: Not exactly.

a dark figure appeared from behind them, purple hair with a pair of wings tied with chains, same marks that y/n had under his eyes, this figure was also a fallen angel. Akali felt overwhelmed by just the presence of two fallen angels, after all she was just a human... even if she was trained to be a killing machine she knew that this was a total power gap from her.

???: It's been quite a while since i last saw you Y/n, how rough was the fall? pretty painful right? I couldn't stand the headache for a whole week.

Ahri felt a shiver down her spine, her 9 tails spiked up as she heard the voice talk to the man she loved... but Y/n's brown wing covered ahri and pulled her behind him as if he where protecting her.

Y/n: Did that Noxian man send you? because if he did then i'd gladly take you down to hell myself

???: First of all young man, respect you'r elders!

The figure uncovered its face revealing a woman with purple hair and a pale skin this woman was no other than the very same...

Morgana: Second of all, what in the living FUCK are you doing at my home town?

??? POV: 

???: So you're telling ME that he survived? AFTER totally masacrating the archangels?! I can't belive how inept this hierachy can be!

I'm sitting in my bed while i get bandages wrapped around my chest, that imbecile Y/N made a whole shit in this realm and even killed the archangels with such ease! 

??? #2: You know it was nessesary we need him as a vesel remember? maybe you're judging him to much.

???: Just shut up, i don't even want to look at you.

'A single coin has two side, heads and tails... evil and good work the same, both are different sides of the same coin'

A/N: Yeah so it's a relatively short chapter if you compare it to past one that had around 3500 words but trust me i got burned out of this and my routine forces me to quit wattpad from time to time. 

So my plans are having a chill chapters of y/n and the girls before continuing with further plot cuz belive me i have some shit planned even if i'm too lazy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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