Hack N' Slash Pt2

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    The h/c went to turn left which was towards town, but saw swerving taillights at the end of the road leading towards John's house. She had assumed John would drive to town for food, but maybe he just went home to grab something? Or maybe they were all delusional and just driving the car wherever they thought John had went.
   Either way, she began to follow, her ears being grated by Jen's drunken crying beside her. Normally she'd try to comfort the intoxicated brunette, as Y/N had done so many times before, but right now she was tempted to push her out of the car.
   The rental was speeding down the road well ahead of them, before disappearing after they turned down a much more wooded road,  Y/N knowing it was John's house.

    "Step on the gas!" Charlie yelled, but Y/N shook her head.
   "I'm not breaking the speed limit for your dumb friends." She muttered, causing Charlie to smack the back of her seat in rage.
   "How can you not fucking believe us- we saw him!" She screamed in rage, unlike Jen who was an emotional drunk, Charlie seemed to be a mean one.
    "Because you guys are a bunch of fucking assholes who have hated John from the get-go! It wouldn't surprise me while having your rager right outside my house- that you targeted him for nothing!" Y/N snapped.
    "This is YOUR fault! Stop trying to blame us! Charlie was now right by her face, yelling in her ear, but Y/N didn't speed up the car, and decided to just ignore her.

    With a battle cry, Charlie lunged forward, smacking Y/N in the face while climbing into the drivers seat. "Jen grab the wheel!" She screeched, kicking Y/N in the jaw before diving for the gas petal, pressing her hand on it and flooring the car.
   Jen did as told and grabbed the wheel, poorly driving from the passenger seat while Y/N tried to shove her feet off her chest.
   "What the fuck are you doing!?" The h/c yelled, unable to see from Charlie's foot being literally pressed into her face- receiving a few more harsh kicks.

    Jen had obviously been paying attention to where the boys had gone, and yanked the wheel to turn into John's road. But a turn like that at this speed- it sent the wheels skidding across the loose dirt, the car starting to be tipped to the side before promptly smacking into the side of a tree- everything turning black for Y/N.


     The world fuzzed around her, the sound too quiet. Her hands numbly reaching for something as she groaned softly, the pain in her head starting to pound.
    "Y/N!" A voice aggressively whispered. "Y/N!" They said again, starting to pull Y/N out of the darkness the car wreck had put her in.
    "Y/N!" They smacked the side of her face lightly, causing her to open her eyes, her pupils focusing and unfocusing as they landed on Jen's face. It was covered in blood and a poorly wrapped bandage was tied around her arm. "We have to get you out of here- come on! He's coming!" Her voice shook with terror as she whispered, grabbing Y/N's arm and starting to pull her up.
    With still half a brain, she slowly got up from the bed she was on, being forced to go a little faster due to Jen's pulling.
   "Who?" She mumbled a bit too loud, before being dragged to her feet, her knee buckling underneath her as pain shot through her leg. "Ow." She hissed, seeing the large chunk of glass that was lodged into her thigh. Her breaths picked up in panic, not remembering why that's there.

    "John- he's-" She cut herself off from the sound of a door opening. "Fuck." She whispered, dragging Y/N down a hallway. As her mind began to set, she started to look around, realizing she didn't know where she was at. It was the inside of a house that didn't look very well taken care of.
   Her leg pulsed with pain, the glass cutting the sides of the wound as she limped. "I-I need a doctor." She stuttered, deep down knowing the situation wasn't normal, but her mind hadn't really latched onto that yet.
   "I know, I know Y/N. But we need to leave, you have to push." Jen encouraged quietly, large, heavy footsteps sounded from the downstairs level.

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