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You know that I'm with you girl on everything you wanna do
If heaven's waiting I don't mind waiting around for you
In due time, you'll understand why I'm in love with you
Troublesome at heart, those words make you uncomfortable
Though we grew together, we grew apart
Scars we carried in our hearts
Presented on our arms, some as cuts
Tattered apart, memories haunting us
Mirrors hanging on the walls talk back
Curtains drawn back, paranoia paints the sky as all black
Niggas carry gats around with no mask
Paranoid watching my every step
Tryna recreate the moments that we had with the women that I've met
Fragments of me lost in the time we shared
But aint no use dwelling in the past
I'm a different man tryna make it in this world of debt
Used to ponder the absence of my dad
But any day I could be the father that I never had
If I'm being honest, I'm just scared I get trapped for years on end
Probably the reason why he left
But gone are the days crying over shit we never had
Like cursing the earth and growing out the dirt

And ever since I left the comfort of my mother's womb
Here I stand, prevailing through it all
Grew up in a house hindered by domestic abuse
Used to hate that there was nothing I could do, life got me confused
But who do you call out to when no one believes in you
The evils we witnessed as youths
Close my eyes at night, all I see is you
Seeds growing in dark rooms
I mean, the sky's crashing down but as long as the earth keeps turning
I'll remember you until the church starts burning
Wisdom passed down from sermons
I wish I bothered to listen to my mother
When she told me that you'll be the death of me
I'm hanging halfway over the balcony
Questioning reality, a fall from grace
Another tale that ended tragically
RIP to her majesty
Life from here on forth could only change drastically
Girl, i mean, maybe you and I just weren't meant to be
But the sexual tension trumps the complexities
So why don't we get over it, find closure in these soaked sheets
Momma told me to go on and do my own thing
I'm just tryna stay focused
Create my magnum opus, bridge the communication gaps with those closest
Hopefully I'll find the gates of heaven open
But until then I'll just roll with the haze
Pray for better days, pray to stay paid
Immortalize my name, turn the walk of shame into a runway

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