Part 5

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Part 5
Stalker POV

I couldn't believe it when Emma was taken to my hospital. I mean the hospital where I'm a male nurse.

"Hello Emma. How's my favourite patient?" I favourite influencer.

"I'm getting better, can't wait to be home" She said staring at me when she added

"Have we met before?" She asked me, staring into my eyes.

"No I don't think so, miss, I would remember. I need to help you into your wheelchair, it's time for you to be a bit more active so that we can release you" She smiled listening to me and forgetting about her question.

After putting her broken arm in her sling, she leaned against me for support with her good arm, struggling to get into the wheelchair. My arm came in contact with the soft fullness of her breasts.

I lifted her leg cast on the leg rest and I pushed her towards the sun room.

"This is so nice, thank you" She said. If only she knew who I really was. Once in the room I tried to find a quiet area away from the curious people that recognized Emma and we chatted for a few minutes. She was still so beautiful, even sitting in her wheelchair knjured. I do hope she got the message and changed.

Emma POV
3 days later I was finally discharged. The reality of my broken leg and arm and the limitations and the struggles that I would be facing hit me right in the face. I knew I wasn't going to be walking for months without crutches and that was only after my arm would heal.

Once at our car, Daniel helped me by putting his arm under my shoulders, his other arm under my broken leg and he lifted me out of the wheelchair. My curly long brown hair was floating in the wind while I felt like an anchor unable to do much by myself. My broken leg and ankle was so sore but I didn't want to show it to Daniel and have to admit that he was right about the crazy emails and text messages I had received prior to the attack.

I knew Daniel was but I wasn't going to let the attacker, whoever he was, win.

Once in the house Daniel lowered me in my wheelchair and quickly said. "You realized Emma, you need to accept help, eventually you will regain partial mobility but for now let me and others help you"

"I know and thank you, I can't wait to return to being an influencer." He stared at me, at my long leg cast, at my broken arm but decided not to say anything. Not now anyway. Maybe later.

The next few days I quickly learned how to move around with one arm using my wheelchair. Even though that attack would forever be in my mind, my marriage to Daniel needed to be revived, I wanted to be a woman again, not a patient. What I started as an Influencer was not going to die because of a few casts.

Within a week or 2 of being injured, I received tons of messages wishing me the best and a quick rehab. Almost everybody couldn't wait to follow me again on social media. Daniel mentioned that it was time for a date night and I agreed.

He walked inside the bedroom, I was sitting in my wheelchair, wearing a nice black dress, 4 inch heel on my left foot and regular make up. I saw Daniel stare at part of my pink cast sticking out from beneath my dress. I will admit that I was thrilled going out to a local restaurant.

He pushed me in the restaurant and once at our table he lifted me out of the wheelchair and sat me on a chair and another chair was positioned under my broken leg. For the first time since I was attacked I felt like an attractive woman in my dress and one heel. I was also reacting to my husband touching me when he transferred me.

"Daniel, I think I'm ready for more tonight" I said while he rubbed my cast, my toes, I loved the attention.

He pushed me in my wheelchair to our temporary bedroom on the main floor. I looked up at him smiling. He leaned over me and picked me up from my chair, One arm under my broken leg and the other hand under my firm ass, slightly squeezing. I smiled, happy for the close contact and wrapped my good arm around his neck

On the bed, my arm cast still in its sling, I stared at the long slim cast that covered my whole leg. It really was an illusion that my hard cast seemed so long since I'm not a very tall woman. It might be a similar illusion that I get when I look at Daniel penis possibly.

I turned on my side and opened my husband's pants, releasing his penis. After removing my broken arm from the sling I struggled to grab the penis with it and leaned over kissing and sucking. I moaned, excited and I could tell Daniel was ready also. He grew larger and larger inside my mouth, my tongue teasing him.

"Please can you undress your broken wife?" I asked, smiling at him. At the time I didn't know about the 2 cameras in that room.

Part 6 to come

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