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Julie pov

"So, what did you do last night?" Stacy asked, jotting down notes as we sat in class.

"Oh, not much," I avoided her gaze, keeping my eyes focused on the front of the room. "You?"

"Picked up some movies, ordered Benny's. Tried to forget about my stupid ex boyfriend. You know, nothing too exciting," she looked over with a soft smile.

I nodded, turning my attention back to my notebook. The image of Billy tightly gripping her hips was still fresh in my mind, but I guess it had already left hers.

"Have you talked to him at all?" I asked, referring to Paul.

"No, he's been avoiding me," she looked out the nearby window, "which is really fucking stupid, considering."

I shook my head as I looked over my notes. The audacity this girl had never ceased to amaze me.

"So... sorry," she turned back toward me, flipping her crispy, platinum hair over her shoulder, "but I'll be in my own bed tonight."

"You don't have to apologize... it's your bed. Might as well use it," I glanced back down at my notes.

"Yeah, my parents should be happy about that," she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

When class ended a few minutes later, I quickly packed up my stuff like usual. Though I noticed Stacy wasn't in any hurry.

"Hey, what do you know about Eddie Munson?" Stacy asked, watching him and Gareth leave the room.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Um... I mean he's nice. I don't know much about him, though," I shrugged, gathering my books.

"Isn't he in a band?"

"Yeah, I think so. Him, Gareth and a few others," I stood up, grabbing my bag as I waited for Stacy to get her stuff.

"That's hot," she smiled as we walked out of the classroom.

I rolled my eyes, hoping Eddie wouldn't be another notch on Stacy's bedpost that I'd end up walking in on.


It was around 7:30 as I sat on my bed, working on homework, waiting for Steve's shift to end. Stacy was on her bed, headphones on and staring at her Poison poster, probably planning her big escape from Hawkins.

A knock at the door interrupted the silence. Knowing I wasn't expecting anyone, Stacy quickly took off for the door.

"Hey," she smiled, relaxing in the doorway. Her tone was hushed and flirty as she talked to someone in the hall. "No, my roommate's here right now. Can we go to yours? ...ugh. Right."

I closed my book, suddenly feeling like I was an inconvenience. "Hey, Stace," I called, packing up my books, "you can have the room if you want it. I'm going to head out for a bit."

"Are you sure?" She looked over, keeping the door slightly cracked open.

"Yeah, I'll be back later tonight," I shrugged, putting my black tote bag over my shoulder.

"Okay," she said before turning back to the door. "Come back in 10?" She said softly to her mystery hook up.

I rolled my eyes, knowing it was probably Billy again. I grabbed my jacket and keys as she raced over to our dresser. She grabbed a matching black lace lingerie set out of one of her drawers and thigh high fishnets. As long as they stayed out of my bed, I thought to myself.

"Don't have too much fun," I winked before leaving.

I headed out to my car, immediately seeing a familiar head of curls outside. He was puffing on a cigarette, sitting on one of the brick half walls.

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