the day of.

167 8 13

no ones pov :

screams could be heard waking the teenagers at the roberts household up, "what the fuck." sam groaned sitting up looking at the sleeping girl next to her and the 3 air mattresses in front of the bed, kirby and richie were up. "what the fuck is happening?" kirby said getting up to look out the window, she fell silent. "kirby?" richie whispered, "get the fucking kids, get some snacks and water, NOW," she yelled waking jill and charlie up, "whats going on.." "everyone get kids and snacks now, grab whatever food or drinks you can and grab kids somethings happening." everyone got up and jill came back 5 minutes later stumbling with holding ethan and amber and anika on her back with wes and quinn following her, "sam went to get the other 4.." she said putting ethan and amber down on the bed and turning around so anika could drop down. quinn and wes hopped onto the bed.

charlie ran in holding a pack of waters with 2 packs of juice on top, he dropped it on jills dresser and ran back out, "kirby i'll watch them can you go get stuff?" jill asked and kirby nodded walking out, sam walked in carrying tara and chad with mindy and liv behind her, she dropped them on the bed and walked out, "everyone lay down on the bed, we are gonna have a little slumber party.." jill said trying to cover up the fact she was nervous and to afraid to look outside, kirby walked in with bread, peanut butter and jelly, richie ran in with the ham and cheese and thank everything jills rich ass had a mini fridge so he put it in there, charlie ran in with flashlights cuz he thought abt things and all 3 ran back out, this was continuous until they had a bunch of supplies with them, including food, drinks, buckets, flashlights, clothing, everything."

"kirby what the fuck did you see." sam whispered "blood." "oh my god, are you fucking serious? blood isnt that serious" richie said sounding exhausted "it was a lot.. and i saw bodies. a lot of bodies.." charlie ran and looked out and gagged.. "she wasnt lying.." richie turned on his phome and saw an alert, "zombies." "what?" "theres zombies." "stop joking richie." sam said, "im deadass." he said showing them the phone "my mom, my mom, holy shit." sam said grabbing her phone and calling her mom, her and her moms relationship was tough but she was scared for her, when she didnt pick up sam started spam texting her, everyone was in shock and reading articles,

jills parents literally left the country so she had no one to text, "fuck guys, they closed the woodsboro gates, apparently its only in this damn town and a few others connected to here." charlie said, "well we cant stay here forever.." "all of our parents arent even in the state what are we gonna do." "uhm, i have a cousin. sidney prescott, survivor of 3 different killings.. shes rich as fuck and she has a lot of shit.." jill spoke up, "can you call her?" "i can try." jill said grabbing her phone and walking into the closet, sam looked at the sleeping kids.. "how do we explain to 9 small children that the end of the world is literally starting.." "we dont." kirby said "we have to, their gonna see some shit." "well we can prevent them from seeing anything right now.."

"no we cant, their gonna see blood or hear screams." sam said completely serious

"sams right, kirby. their gonna find out eventually." charlie said, "yeah.. maybe we should just stay quiet and relax for now.." richie said joining the conversation. "i guess so, especially until we have weapons.."

jill walked out the closet "SHE CAME OUT THE CLOSET YALL!" richie yelled only to get backhanded by sam "theres zombies outside dumbfuck." "one, im not gay and two, she said that she already has some survivors at her house." "so tahts a no?" charlie asked "no she gonna come get us later," "did you mention we have nine kids?" "ya.. their coming in a truck." "alright.." kirby said.

charlie went and laid down on the sofa in jills room and fell asleep, "lets just all go to sleep, let the kids have the bed, me and jill can share a air mattress, and you two can take the other two air mattresses" sam said sitting on the bed quite literally made of air, "okay, sounds good.." kirby went to check the lock and went and laid down, richie knocked out immediately and sam and jill laid down,

jill turned over to sam, "sam what do we do if a zombie breaks in here.." jill whispered, "we protect ourselves and the kids.." sam whispered back, "we dont even have weapons." "jill, i know i shouldnt promise this, but i promise you we'll make it to your cousins house." "theres no proving that." "jill right now, were all scared, im terrified for me and my little sisters lives, im terrified for your life. but we can make it through this, lets just go to sleep now." jill didnt respond, so sam put her arm around jill and they both fell asleep.

a/n - i hope this was good for my first serious serious story🐸🥶

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