secrets & shelves.

433 11 10

i picked dottie up from the airport and after our long hug outside of the car, now in the car i kept glancing over at her thigh that i wanted to rest my hand on.

"do you want to go to my apartment first or your hotel or go grab a bite to eat? coffee?" i questioned, definitely showing her how nervous i am.

she nodded her head.

"um your apartment is fine."

"everything okay?" i asked, looking at her for a second before i put my eyes back on the road.

"yeah." she responded, picking at her finger nails.

i reached over with my right hand and pulled her hands apart, "dont lie to me dottie."

"im nervous." she said.

i held her hand and rested it on her thigh.


"being with you."

"okay tell me more." i said.

"im worried that you're doing this for publicity or to get in my pants." she sighed.

"i wish i could explain to you that im not. ill keep you as private as you want me too dot. i just want to reconnect with you...i-i never lost feelings for you." i stuttered.

she nodded her head and looked out the window.

"talk to me babe."

i saw the smile on her face when i said those words.

"i trust you but i dont, if that makes sense. im sorry." she apologized.

"dont be sorry."

she looked at the front window shield as i pulled into the driveway of my house.

i got her suitcase and we went in the house.

she followed me into my room, "this is your room for while you're here."

she looked around and smiled.

"thank you." she said, as i placed her suitcase away.

"you dont have to go home thursday, id love to have you here a little longer."

she looked at me, "what if i told you that i live in vancouver?"

"dont lie. you dont."

"i do." she said.

i tilted my head, "get real."

"give me your car keys." she smiled, holding her hand out.

i reached in my pocket, "i trust you."

i dropped my keys into her hand and she smiled before skipping out of the house.

i followed her and locked the door.

i saw her in the driver seat and got in the passenger seat.


"terrified, but yeah."

"you literally ran a red light on the way here." she laughed.

i like this side of her.

she's actually talking & laughing.

enjoying life.

this isnt a side that i saw from her in school.

"i actually dont live far from here."

"oh really?" i joked.

5 minutes later, she pulled into a gated community!

what does this girl do for a living?

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