
"Good! Edgy as usual, pretty much yourself. You ready?"

I turned around ready to get going with her.


"Yes.. Just don't take so long next time! i almost ran out of manga's to read.."

I crossed my arms and began walking.


I began to follow her down the dreary halls.

"You seriously read that fast?"

I was incredibly shocked by how fast she read. i would normally expect a response of "Chapters" or "pages", but she's just doing full on books..


"Bite me! there's nothing wrong with it!"

i Can read fast! there's nothing weird about it!

"why are you asking anyways!"


"Well if you wouldn't tell me to put my teeth onto any part of your body i could've finished."

I chuckled.



I am done talking to her right now.


"Don't tempt me, heh."

We soon made it to the blast doors, and i pulled something out of my pocket.


"what's that?"

I looked at the small card with blue tinting. looked like a smaller master key, but shaped different, and most importantly blue.


"Hack card"

I held it up in a Displaying fashion.

"When i was in the military i sometimes had to hack into enemy software, so, me, as a little worker drone had to make all these little gadgets for my Colleagues so they could hack into things like turrets, enemy AI, etc. So soldiers would always come back and tell me if it worked or not, and if it didn't I'd improve it."

 I pressed it against the door and it opened like it was a master key.

"See? it works."


I looked at her shocked.

"Dude. that's cool and everything but what if my dad finds out??"


"he'll pester me to the ends of the earth to make something for him. the usual."

I rolled my eyes while saying it. Khan always is telling me stuff to do, and what to get, and i just want him to go away like an invisible gnat. i can't hit him, but he can annoy the hell out of me.


"Geez, You too?"

i looked at her in dismay almost, because she went through that too.

"Guessing he doesn't leave you alone either? i NEVER get time alone because of him."


"Sorry to hear he's up your ass 24/7."

I giggled. I began walking outside with Uzi, and we made our way towards the spire. thankfully everyone was asleep. i sent a prompt to the hacking device to close the doors, and the doors closed.


"Wait you can just close them while being outside?" 

I looked at her almost in concern.

"My dad is really going to be on your ass for that."


I laughed

"Ha! trust me I've held out interrogation from enemies in war. i had to wait for reinforcements while practically being tortured. your dad would be the least of my concerns."


"He's always my concern though! Constantly checking me in my room.. always doing embarrassing things.."

I huffed.

"he just.. ARGH!"

A little anime Anger symbol appears on my visor. i wish my dad would just leave me alone, he never gives me space!

"Not to mention he left me for dead!"


"His dumbass left you for dead?"

I looked at her a little more seriously. We were almost to the spire now. 

"What happened there?"


"Well.. I kind of accidentally brought N into the bunker after Blasting his head off with my railgun thats gone now, and N was not really my friend at the time, So he kind of pinned me against a wall with his wing blade.. thingies? and i told my dad to point and shoot with the damn gun and he didn't listen and just ran off like the coward he is!"

I clenched my fist at the last bit of the sentence.


"Ah thats what happened when i was out that time. And thats My sneaking suspicion about your dad! he does treat you like shit because of the posters all over the place! i thought they were just jokes and he was actually nice but dude's an actual dick."

I felt a little more at ease that my theory was proven right, but more on the feeling terrible side because of how Uzi is treated.

"So you and N weren't on Good terms At some point?"

We were almost to the spire


"Well that was when we first met, he thought i was a squad mate of his, and then V and J got back and i booked it!"

I giggled a bit.

"That was when he broke in, yadda yadda. But he did do this Dumb Heel face turn when my dad left me for dead."

I Grinned at the memory. I was glad he spared me, it was almost like in that moment he knew how i felt.


"eh, Sounds like him."

I giggled a bit, turning towards our destination.

"we're here by the way."


"Alright.. uh.. What do i do?"

I looked at myself, confused on how to get started. i didn't know how to get my wings and tail out yet.

Designation Forgotten  [Murder Drones Fanfic] [DISCONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now