[CH 3] A New Pet

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬʸᴵᴺᴳ : "Crave"
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯

"And then he walked by me like nothing happened!" A man with white hair whined as he rested his head on top of the wooden table. He glanced at the demon that sat across the table with his red eyes.

"It's unusual for Alhaitham to bring in pets." The demon mused as he fanned himself with a
navy blue fan that faded into a golden color, it had a flower depicted resting on the stream of water that ran horizontally across it.

"Right?! That's what I was saying. I couldn't even get a good look at it either. Looked like it was hunted down or something!"

"Oh don't be silly, Itto. Alhaitham wouldn't waste his breath on hunting unless it was necessary. Perhaps whatever he caught is related to his research."

"I don't know Ayato... he put it in a guest room across his and I saw him go back and forth between the rooms with some gauge and wrapping. If it was lab rat or something then he would've brought it to his room to dissect it."

The one named Ayato rubbed his chin as he thought, his light purple eyes twinkled with interest. "How interesting... very interesting." He mused. "Did you manage to get at least a peek at what the creature was?"

"It looked like it was covered in rags, but other than that nope."

"We'll fortunately for us he seems to be taking good care of the creature and we know where it's kept."

Itto sat upright with a grin, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Ayato watched his companion sit up, his white hair sticking up in different directions. "Mhmm. I've been quite bored recently." He stood up and shut his fan closed.

"I don't blame you. It's unfair how the reapers get to hog all the fun and told us to screw off."

"They don't play with the souls you know, it's their job to guide them."

"Psh! I can be a great guide too if I wanted. They should be thankful I'm not a reaper! I would've guided all the souls to the afterworld by now."

Ayato sighed as his fellow demon's enthusiasm. "It would be impossible to guide all the souls, new ones appear every day."

"Ah you know what I mean!"

The duo made their way down the hall. Itto whistled as he nonchalantly walked with his hands behind his head, fingers intertwined together.

Ayato walked by his side, his eyes trained on the hall before them. His mind was occupied, he was interested in Alhaitham's pet. He was a curious man after all. He was usually the first to stick his nose into other people's business. Knowledge is power, but in his case he could care less about power. He was just hungry for knowledge, that's all.

The two made it to the guest room that held the so called 'pet'. Without wasting time Itto burst into the room, slamming the door open when he entered.

The door knob left a small dent on the wall on impact.

It caught the attention of a grey haired demon and a... human?

Red eyes stared at the duo with visible confusion. "The hell... where'd the pet go?"

"Oh~? It wasn't a pet, Itto. It seems like Alhaitham here found a lost human."

"Who the heck are you?" (Y/n) looked at the two men with a raised brow, cheeks stuffed with food. She was sitting at a table near the desk that Alhaitham occupied, the surface of it was covered with books.

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