Chapter Thirty-Five

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Yelena looked him up and down, "You grew," she announced, frowning as he handed her a mug of hot chocolate.

"Yup, Now I'm taller than you." he replied, grinning, "Who's the little one now Lena?"he teased.

"You." she replied.

He grinned at her, "Ya know, you're kind of small for sixteen," he teased, waving his hand over her head to show how small she was..

"I'm sixteen, still older," she replied, reaching up to mess up his hair, "you're just a baby."

He dodged her hand, "Not the hair," he announced.

Laura stood in the doorway with a smile on her face, "He's going through a faze with that hair of his." she replied.

The boy rolled his eyes, "Not a faze, I'm growing up and mom's all sentimental."

The woman laughed, "Does your mom get a hug Kate?" she asked.

Kate nodded her head and handed Nate over to Yelena, "Of course!" she replied, hugging the woman, "Hi mom."

The woman smiled at her as the teenage boy handed the brunette a mug of hot chocolate, "Hi Honey. Do I get a hug from my favorite niece?" the woman asked.

Yelena laughed and hugged her, "I'm your only niece Aunt Laura" she replied.

"Doesn't mean you can't be my favorite." the woman replied, smiling at her.

Natasha cleared her throat from the hallway, "Hey girls."

"Tasha!" Yelena yelled as she ran over to the redhead, placing her mug on the counter so she wouldn't spill her drink every where and hugged her tightly, "I've missed you." she replied.

Natasha wrapped her arms around her sister, "I've missed you too Lena. You haven't been too much trouble for Bucky have you?" she asked.

The green-eyed girl grinned, "I've been a perfect angel." she announced.

Natasha gave her a skeptical look, "Sure you have," she replied, half teasing the girl.

"She's been good," Kate assured, "We had to stop her from killing people though and we had to stop Pietro..."

"Why? What happened?" the redhead asked upon hearing that her sister had considered committing murder once again.

"Little P was being bullied, don't worry we fixed it. Everything's okay now, but Lena's idea to remedy the issue was to kill them all." she replied, her blue eyes twinkling in slight amusement.

Natasha frowned, "Lena, we've talked about that." she fussed.

"I saw nothing wrong with my idea, but they didn't want me to do it." the blonde replied, shrugging.

"Was it Brad?" the redhead asked.

"Was what Brad?" Clint asked as he walked in the room.

"Dad!" Kate yelled, running over and hugging him.

"Hey bugs," he replied, chuckling, "Was what Brad and who's Brad?" he asked, kissing her forehead.

"Penny's cousin, he was bullying her at school." the dark-hared brunette replied.

"Hummingbird can't catch a break can she?" he asked.

She shook her head, "No she can't."

Yelena spoke up, grabbing her mug again as she jumped up onto the counter, her legs swinging slightly while she sipped on her drink, "Don't worry it's been handled." she announced, " We got her seats changed in class, they're all suspended until the Wednesday after break. On better news, Liz and Peter broke up." the blonde announced, grinning happily at the news, she was probably the person who disliked the boy's ex the most.

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