-chapter five-

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'Kev! Look! Someone was giving out these flowers on the sidewalk today, aren't these absolutely beautiful? I looked them up on the internet, they are called carnations. This is the first time someone ever gave me flowers, well technically they didn't give ME the flowers though, they were just giving them out. I wish I could put these in every corner of room. Kev? Are you even listening?'

He laughed, 'Look at you Larsen, so excited like a child for flowers. You're adorable. You've really never received flowers from anyone before?'

I blushed, a little embarrassed, 'Can't I be a little excited for something? And no I've really never gotten flowers before. Oh wait, I've got an inspiration for a painting!Wait a minute Kev, let me note it down' and I ran to my room to get my notebook while I heard him giggle and whisper, 'So adorable.'

'Miss Larsen! Someone dropped this huge bouquet of flowers outside the office today' Luke struggled to enter the door.

'Does it have a card or somethi-' I started saying but when I turned around to see the flowers I knew exactly who they were from.

'Did you finally finish that painting love?' Kevin said as soon as I entered the house.

I sighed, 'No Kev, it's like I have a creative block or something. It's been weeks and I can't even finish ONE painting.'

'Hey hey Larsen! Its okay love, you can take your time, there's still a month left for you to finish that painting. Take it slow Larsen, no need to rush things.'

'I don't know Kev' I sighed again.

'Okay why don't you go inside your room and maybe you'll find something in there that'll cheer you up.'

Hundred. There were at least a hundred carnations in there, on my desk, in my vase, against the window, on the bed, every corner of the room was filled with carnations - my now favourite flowers. I gasped, 'W-what, Kev you actually did this?'

'You wished to have every corner of your room filled with these flowers and your wish is my command Larsen.'

As every inch of my heart filled with love for this man I couldn't help but let a few tears pass out. God, I loved him so much.

'Hey, do you not like it Larsen?' he brought me closer and held me by my waist, 'Why are there tears in your eyes?'

'No, these are happy tears Kev. No one has ever done this for me, thank you, so much,' I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek, 'I love you.'

This time he bent down so I could reach him and left a soft kiss on my lips, 'I'm so happy I could get the chance of being the first person to give you flowers, you deserve everything in the world love, and I'm willing to give you everything one by one, I love you so much Larsen.'

'Well it doesn't have a name but it says "I hope these are still your favourite Larsen", wait someone else calls you Larsen other than me?!' Luke said as he placed the bouquet on my table.

'Well you certainly don't have any exclusive rights to that name and I've told you countless times not to call me that.'

Luke sulked as he plopped down on the couch, 'But calling you Miss Larsen is MY thing.'

'No Luke, it is not.'

'Who is this person anyways? How does he know your favourite flowers? And why does HE get to call you Larsen? Some secret lover we don't know of?'

'I don't have any secret lovers Luke, now stop sulking and lets get on with the work. What's my schedule for this weekend?'

'There's that gala we have to attend! Sarah's father is co-hosting it. All the big artists, collectors, socialites and business men are supposed to be there.'

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