???: Alright, Stop it, Mikaboshi.

Scarlett and Mikaboshi Turned to see None other than Oblivion himself.

Scarlett: Ma-MASTER!

Mikaboshi: "Master"?!

Oblivion: Release her. She is one my Avatars.

Mikaboshi: She Tried to attack me.

Oblivion: It obviously was an Misunderstanding.

Scarlett: Yeah. I Apologize.

Mikaboshi: She is A "GODDESS"!

Oblivion: Yet she has assisted me more than any of other avatars did.

Mikaboshi: .......FINE.

Mikaboshi Unwillingly Followed Oblivion's Orders and Freed Scarlett from the tentacles.

Scarlett: Thank you, Master. You saved me again.

Mikaboshi: Again?

Oblivion: Its a Long story....

Scarlett: I don't know if I can ask this, but what is your relation with this....... Mikaboshi?

Oblivion: My offshoot.

Scarlett: *gasp* He is Your SON?!

Mikaboshi: Alright Enough information for today.

Mikaboshi said as he changed Back to his human form.

Y/N: Why did you even took her?

Oblivion: Since she gained my trust after Becoming My avatar, I made her Immune to getting erased from existence.

Y/N: *Sigh* Okay, Well now She needs to Go.

Oblivion: Uh no. Scarlett.

Scarlett: Yes Master?

Oblivion: You will be staying with Mikaboshi and keeping an eye also Assisting him.

Y/N: But WHY?!

Without saying anything, Oblivion vanished, leaving Y/N and Scarlett alone.

Scarlett: Soooo.....Master?

Y/N: in human form, Just call me Y/N.

Scarlett: Okay, Y/N...

Y/N: Also, Get some Decent Clothes.

Scarlett: Oh, You mean this?

Scarlett spoke as she snapped her Fingers Changing her outfit.

Scarlett spoke as she snapped her Fingers Changing her outfit

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Y/N: ......Okay.


Y/N currently Readied himself for the 2nd day in the U.A. school. As he was about to Leave, He saw Scarlett Staring at him.

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