She'll Always Come Back

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        Many of us will never personally know the victims of the Sewol ferry tragedy, most will only known them as mother, sister, brother, daughter, father, and son. We may not be able to be there personally for the families, and certainly we would never be able to understand, but at the very least we can never forget those lives lost. Remember 041614

            "Where's the list?" A woman in her mid forties asked the sixteen-year-old girl who stood before her.

            "Mooommmm!" The girls whined. "It's one day, I have everything I need!"

            "I'm not saying you don't but the list just might." The women held out her hand expectantly.

            The girl let out a soft wisp of a laugh and set her large backpack on the ground. "I left it in my room, let me go get it." She said, her mother once again defeating her.

            "You know I love you!" Her mother called after her as she bounded down the hall to her room.

            "You say that..." Her daughter's voice yelled, pausing as the sound of objects being thrown about reached the mother's ears.

            The mother smiled and shook her head, well aware of the mess she would be greeted with once her daughter finished  her search.

            "But do you really?" The girl finally finished her sentence as she came running back to stand before her mother.

            "Always and forever, even when you don't deserve it." Her mother teased, taking the list, which the girl held crumpled in her hand.

            "See, I checked off everything, so we're good, right?" Her daughter shifted her weight from side to side as she anxiously awaited her mother's response. She had once again shouldered her large bag and began inching towards the door that her mother had been standing in front of.

            "Wait." The woman said calmly but with such authority it would stop a raging bull in its tracks.

            "Yesss?" The girl asked, fighting to keep the annoyance out of her voice.

             Her mother eyed her.  "You didn't check off the mace."

            "Oh, mom..." The girl sighed, fighting the frustration.

            "Hey!" Her mother said with force, yet there was a subtle hint of playfulness as she raised one eyebrow slightly. "I know you remember that one tim-"

            "Ok! You win, mom, plleeaassee just spare me the police officer story again." The girl groaned as she once again set down her bag and ran back to her room.

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