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"Do not do this, Alicent." Delia begs the Queen. "This will not end good, for either side. Rhaenyra would not let this slide by her, Daemon neither."

"The realm would not support Rhaenyra being Queen, you knowledged this way before Delia. You ever said it yourself. The realm would kill each other before seeing your sister get that crown placed upon her head."

Delia shakes her head and hums quietly. "There's no way in the Seven hells I will betray Rhaenyra and give you more claim on the Throne. Aegon isn't ready to be king, Alicent, nor Aemond. You do know this, Alicent. Usurping the Throne from Rhaenyra would end in bloodshed, love."

"I do not care, Aegon will be seated on the Iron chair, with his crown, and I need you to be on our side." alicent leans closer to Delia. Their faces centimeters away from each other. "I need you. My children need you. I can't do this without you."

"What made you do this, Alicent?" Delia mumbles. "What made you think this is okay to do so."

"It was your father's last dying wish. He told me himself. I wish Aegon to be king.", Alicent than stands up and sighs. "There's two Aegon's, mines, and yours. I believe Viserys was talking about my Aegon, since your children don't have claim to the throne. There's no argument there."

"You may think you have this grip on me Alicent, but to insure you, you don't. Just because you and I have history together does not mean I'm truly dedicated to you and your children. I will not be on your side, I will stay loyal to my sister, the Heir of the Iron Throne and Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenyra Targaryen."

Alicent press her lips in a straight line, her heart starts to ache at the mention of their history and past. Something she holds dear on too. But hearing those words is what made Alicent drop her facade and stare at Princess Delia with an evil bold glare.

"You shall regret those words, Delia. I'll insure you will change your mind once Aegon is King of the Seven Kingdoms." Alicent makes herself to the door, but stops at the last minute. "I have loved you since we were teens, a love stronger than what I have for your father, my father, and my own children. You are the only one that could've changed my mind. See you soon, Princess Delianna."

And just like that the Queen Alicent was gone within ashes.

Delia groans in pain again once the same sharpening feeling appeared in her stomach. "Shhh, everything's gonna be ok my sweet darlin',"


It has fallen night since Alicent appearance. The meeting that made Delia grow pain her stomach. She knew she is having contractions, before the water breaking, meaning her baby wasn't fully ready to come out of her womb.

She couldn't deny that what made her baby arrival become sooner, was her stressing about her father passing and Alicent agreeing to usurp the Throne from Rhaenyra.

A person Alicent once committed as a friend, but is now becoming an enemy she does not want to have.

Daemon and her children, pretty sure is concerned about her whereabouts, hencing she was supposed to go home way earlier in the day. But tomorrow would count as two days away from them.

Delia was yet, again visited by someone she didn't want to see, Aegon.

"I have a guess that mother has already told you the news of father passing?" Aegon asks, walking slowly into her chambers, with his head up high but also hands into his pants.

"This will not end well for you, Aegon. Especially you, my brother." Delia mumbles, leaning against the bedframe. "You can stop this, you know you can."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖,     ʰᵒᵗᵈOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz