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The day started with chaos. A beautiful sunny, partly gloomy day was Shadowed in King's Landing. The sun was out, but the clouds were grey.

The King Viserys I was secretly pronounced dead to those that lived inside the castle, well to not all.

Everyone was still asleep once the small council was gathered upon many rooms inside the castle to discuss some problems they needed to sort out.

In the time of that, Delia is seated at her vanity, brush parting her tangle hair apart, once she heard a lock at her door.

Delia noe confused, grabs the hems of her dress and goes to the door. Without ease, Delia tries to tug her door open, but nothing works. "Hello?" Once she didn't hear nothing the Princess bangs on the door. "open my door this instant! What's the meaning of this?"

When no one replied back to her, Delia goes to her window and opens it, now looking down at the busy street. many guards and servants were passing by her room all huddle together.

"What is this?" Delia mutters to herself, before leaning back into her room, now regretting to agree to stay.


It's been passing hours when Delia couldn't take no more and bangs on the door again. "You're gonna have to answer to this! Bring me the Queen Alicent!"

Due to stress, Delia groans in pain once something sharp poked at her chest. She was to stress to be doing this. Act of protectiveness the Princess lays her left hand on her stomach and starts to rub it softly.

Out of no where's, Delia's chamber door opens, and Alicent walks in with a sadden look. "I sincerely need you to question yourself for what you have just done and why you lock me inside my room for many hours, Alicent." Delia says, voice slightly raising, as she clenches her fist shut.

"My apologies and regrets for the lack of ceremony." Alicent mumbles, looking at Delia numb. Delia loses all expression and stands there.

"And what do you mean by lack of ceremony?" Delia asks the Queen, but when Alicent doesn't answer the Princess sighs. "Alicent tell me this instant."

"King Viserys passed." Alicent mumbles quietly, but also leaning towards Delia in case she feels weak by the announcement.

Delia gasps and lose her footing, but Alicent reaches forward and holds the pregnant Princess up. "No." Delia whispers in pain. She unhooks herself from Alicent and sits on her bed, now holding herself up.

"Hmm." Delia moans once she felt pain in her stomach. "How long, Alicent? How long has my father been dead?"

Not wanting to cause anymore pain, or tell anymore lies, Alicent places her hand near Delia's shoulder. "Since the morning."

Delia closes her eyes and shake her head, not believing it. Her father is actually dead. No matter how many arguments, or fuels her father and her went through she still loves him no matter what.

The princess wasn't close to her father, because the lack of title she has, doesn't mean she does not care for him. She absolutely loves him, so hearing this news hit like a ton of bricks.

She didn't get to have her last conversation with him, unlike everyone else.

"Have you told Rhaenyra?" Delia mumbles, now attending her attention to Queen Alicent. But seeing Alicent so stuff at the mention of Rhaenyra, she almost knew immediately. "Don't do it, Alicent. It is not worth it."

"I came here to give you my condolences, yes, but to also ask of you to be on my side on this, Delia." Alicent tells Delia while walking up to her and immediately grasp their hands together.

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