15: Beautiful Liars

Start from the beginning

You sprang up, clutching the duvet around your frame and hunting for your clothes while glaring at the smug asshole who was doing nothing to hide his laughter. "You could have led with that!"

Dabi held his hands up in mock surrender. "Not wanting to admit to everyone you conceded defeat? Is that right, princess?"

"Give me my hoodie! Now!" Dabi did as you asked — rather smugly — tossing it to you and you pulled it over your head immediately. "And for your information, I recall it was you who lost with the whole I want you thing. No?"

Dabi shrugged, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face. "But it was you who came to my room first. Wasn't it?"

"I was pissed off!" you argued. "And I would have left if you didn't stop me."

You were out of the bed now, scrambling to pull on your shorts, unconcerned by the whereabouts of your bra and panties. The dark, wicked recess of your mind told you to leave them as a souvenir.

"Come on, princess." Dabi's tone was mocking, in a playful sort of way. "You and me both know why you came, and you wouldn't have left whether you convinced yourself of that or not."

Sometimes it surprised you how observant he was. He may not know who you truly were, but he did a damn good job of reading you in the ways he could. It was as if you were an open book to him, which was completely impossible given how it was drilled into you to hide your true feelings and nature. It frightened you, too, because you never knew another person who could see beneath the masks you wore. And if he could figure this out, what more could he tell?

"You lost," you said lightly, mouth slanted into a smirk. "And you damn well know it."

Dabi grinned at you. "Better hurry along before Toga comes looking."

You scowled at him, but your eyes always betrayed the smile in them. I'm pathetic. He opened the door for you, sticking his head out before motioning that it was safe and you stepped out, starting towards the kitchen and praying that Toga hadn't already come looking for you.

When you entered the kitchen, Toga was thankfully still standing next to Twice, helping whisk the batter together while he was cooking up batches of thick, steaming pancakes. She smiled wide when she saw you. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you reciprocated, walking up to her and Twice to observe. "These smell delicious, just like last time."

Toga nodded, her bubbly personality at its height even before noon. "There are toppings on the table and some ready now. Is Dabi coming?"

You fought the surprised blush that threatened your cheeks. Did she know? Surely not. If anything, you were just being paranoid. "I— uh... don't know?"

"I heard my name," Dabi grumbled as he stepped into the kitchen.

You swivelled around, setting your eyes on him. He was wearing the same grey sweatpants, only he'd thrown on a black tee. Even though you were with him literal minutes ago, seeing him and everyone else in the same room made everything so much more real. And the knowing look he gave you didn't help that fact.

"Are they ready?" Dabi said, striding towards you with enough purpose to make your heartbeat spike.

You knew he was toying with you, but still, you gave him exactly the flustered reaction he wanted. Especially as he stepped up to where you were next to Toga, reaching past you to grab a pancake, an action which had no other purpose but to force you to press yourself against the countertop to avoid him getting too close. When he retreated, he sank his teeth into that soft, sweet cake right in front of your face in a way that was entirely too sexual for eating a fucking pancake. It took every ounce of your self-restraint to not kiss him or curse him.

Feathers and Flame // Dabi x Reader x HawksWhere stories live. Discover now