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After rounds of clothes shopping, make-up wandering, and making three rounds around the food court for samples, Bon takes Fred into a general feminine clothing store. Fred wasn't against it, but with all the bags they already had made Fred feel a little bad.

"Bon...?" They held tighter onto his hand. "Are you s-sure uhm- that we have the money f-for more? And uhm... are you sure about all this... uh- just in general?" They hid their face against Bon's shoulder. Bon chuckles and presses a gentle kiss on their head.

"Don't worry, I wanna spoil you~" Bon reassures them with a soft purr. "Besides, I told you I have a surprise for you!" Bon released their hand and wrapped his arm around their waist to pull them closer. Fred blushes deeply; they knew that the surprise wasn't going to be innocent. Unless it was, Fred's stomach said otherwise. As dirty minded they were, they certainly didn't like to admit to it.

"Surprise...?" Even though Fred already knew what was going to happen, they still pressed Bon for more information. Their mind was already spinning with what all could happen in between them. A suggestive make out session behind the clothing racks. Bon fingering them at the water fountain. Bon touched them while they got dressed. Their mind was blurry with red blanketing over their face. Bon felt the heat on his shoulder.

"Awh~ You're already thinking of all the dirty things I want to do to you?" Bon teased with a slight giggle. Fred pulled their head off of Bon in shock. It may have been true, but Bon didn't have to point it out.

"N-No!! It's-!" Fred tried to defend themself, but it wasn't really working.

"Unless you're blushing about all the make up I bought youuuu~ I couldn't think of any other reason your face is so red!" Bon pulled Fred in front of him. He looked at their cheeks, eyes, and of course their lips. "You're my cute baby, aren't you?" Bon smirked and watched Fred squirm. Fred licked their lips; they tried shifting their gaze down but Bon held their head up.

"B-Bon..." Fred's lips whimpered. Their eyes started to water. "We-! We are... Uhm!"

"Public~?" Bone predicted. He placed his hands on Fred's precious face. "You're too cute for this world." He started to squish their face. Fred placed their hands on his, somewhat embarrassed with people taking quick glances at them.

"Y-Yes it's... people are- uhm," Fred closed his eyes. "People are looking!" Fred pursed their lips. Bon placed a quick kiss on their lips before grabbing their wrist and dragging them across the store.
"I guess! I suppose~ I could give you the surprise now!" Bon beamed and let Fred's wrist go. They were near the dressing room with all kinds of clothes around it.

"H-Huh?" Fred didn't really understand.

"You need clothes to get into the dressing room, sillyyyy~" Bon leaned against the wall. Fred's ears suddenly perked. They understood the memo now.

Fred took their time looking at outfits and dresses. They found frilly things, dresses that fitted their form perfectly, and of course other miscellaneous things.

Fred returned to Bon with all kinds of things folded over their arm. Bon looked Fred up and down before taking some of the clothes.

"Getting kinda greedy, aren't we~?" Bon teased and Fred quickly shook their head.

"N-NO!!" Fred covered their mouth and moved their hand away. "I-! I- uhm... thought you'd- like... to see me uhm... in th-th-these!" Fred pouted cutely. Bon laughed and tilted his head to the bigger dressing room.

"Oh yeah?" Bon struts to the room.

Fred quickly follows by his side while nodding their head. "M-Mhms..."

Fred watched Bon stand there. They tilted their head with a bit of confusion before going in first. Bon followed them in but slowly closed the door and locked it. He hung the clothes on the hook. He adjusts his focus on Fred setting down the clothes on the seat.

SMUT Ereyesterday Toy Bonnie x Toy Freddy boyxboyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat