Blind, Mute, Deaf

709 14 13

This is based off of the cooking challenge on Droid's channel.

"We have two side people. Not really though. Puffer and Y/n." Droid introduced us. "Hello everyone." I waved to the camera from behind Grizzy before I put my arms back around his shoulders.

"Pezzy will be blind. And Grizzy will be the mute." Droid pointed to him. Grizzy kissed my forearm before moving away and turning around so Droid could put plastic wrap over his mouth. "Can we around of applause for Grizzy never talking. This is a dream come true." Puffer and Pezzy started clapping while I laughed. "I mean he's not wrong." I shrugged.

"Can I take shot before this?" Grizzy asked. "Go ahead." Droid nodded as he got the wrap out. Grizzy grabbed the soju and took a long drink. Then he moved over to me. "Do I have to ask for a kiss?" He questioned me. "Because you asked. Yes." I smiled. "Can I have a kiss?" I didn't answer him I just have him three small pecks. "God we're fucking lonely." Pezzy said shaking his head, while Droid nodded.

Puffer was helping tie it at the back of Grizzy's head and he fake screamed. "No. There was consent. There was consent chat." Droid spoke into the mic.

"Can you talk, Bubs?" I asked. "Yeah. I'll just not talk." He shrugged. "Nah. We need to make sure you can't say a single word." As Droid pulls more wrap off and Grizzy screams. "How does it look?" I asked. Grizzy turned to me and was able to completely open his mouth. 

"Aye, chat, he's got a beard. We can't duct tape him." I said as I was reading chat. "But what if you put the duct tape over the plastic?" Grizzy asked. "That should work." I nodded and Pezzy went to go grab the duct tape. "I only want you around the beard." Grizzy walks over to me and stands in between my legs in the corner. Pezzy hands me the tape and a pair of scissors. 

I take another thing of plastic wrap and hand it to him so he can have it on there comfortably. But he accidentally put it over his nose and inhaled at the same time. "Don't kill yourself." I told him pulling it off his nose. I took the medium size piece of tape and started slowly placing it on the wrap, making sure it was only on the wrap. Otherwise trying to pull it off of his beard later was not going to be fun for anyone. 

"Can me and Y/n control the music?" Puffer asked and Droid nodded as he unlocked his phone. Me and Puffer both agreed to go to Spotify and blasted his workout playlist knowing all the bass and beat heavy music was there for all of us. 

"Droid." Me and Puffer kept saying over and over. "You're saying my name aren't you?" Droid looked at us confused. He turned and scared Pezzy by yelling boo in his face and he hit his wrist onto the stove. "Pez you okay?" I asked. "I'm good. Thanks." He gave a thumbs up not at me but in the general direction. 


Droid is explaining what they're going to do and Grizzy came back to stand between my legs. "Can we go out to dinner after this?" Grizzy immediately nodded. "I was feeling Indian or Chinese." He held up a two and I nodded. "You really are taking this whole no talking thing seriously. Alright. Say nothing if you want to go take me on a shopping spree tomorrow?" He started saying random shit but it was all muffled because of the tape and he turned around to face me. 

"But you didn't say nothing." I giggled. He rolled his eyes and rested his head on my shoulder. "What's going on over there?" Puffer asked. "We're just having fun." I laughed. "HuH?" Pezzy said loudly snapping his head over. 


Thee was lots of yelling, especially from Droid. And lots of scaring Pezzy. And my favorite part. Changing Droids music. "OH MY GOD!" Droid yelled before head banging and softly singing. "I'm a barbie girl. In a barbie world. Life in plastic. It's fantastic." He sang and did little twirls. We all started laughing loudly. 


Grizzy starts acting out like he's spraying windex and points under the sink but Droid somehow took that as "You want Puffer to grind on you? Dude your girlfriend is right there." And he points to me. "I knew ya'll had fucked." I looked down and shook my head. "AYO!" Puffer and Pezzy yelled. 


"WHAT IS THIS!" Droid yells as he can't open the chicken. When he finally does open it he takes Pezzy's hand and makes him touch it. "EW! Is that your pussy?" Pezzy asks. "No it's mine." I joke. "Grizzy! Tell your girlfriend to put her pussy away." Pezzy yells. "HUH!" Grizzy turns to me but all he finds is me dying of laughter. 

"I don't know how to cut garlic's." Grizzy writes on the board. "I'll do it. Knowing you all, among the garlic would be the tip of a finger." I jumped off the counter. Grizzy hands me the knife then stands behind me holding my hips, keeping me against the counter. First i smash the garlic down then start cutting it down very fine. 

I heard a very quiet and muffled "I love you" in my ear. "I love you too. Do you want me to do the rest or can you do it now?" He gave me a thumbs up and i went to kiss his cheek but it was covered in plastic wrap. "Lean down please." Grizzy squatted and i kissed his forehead. But he wrapped his arms around my thighs and picked me up, and set me back down on the counter in the corner where i was before. 


"Now the person that made this recipe wasn't Hispanic and only seasoned with salt and pepper." "WHAT! I'm white as fuck but i still season a shit ton. Even before having a black boyfriend." I scoffed. "Brb? He's going somewhere." Droid read the board as Grizzy was writting. 

Grizzy walked over to me and asked me to cut the plastic wrap off. "I'M FREE!!!!!" He yelled. Pecking lips before yelling bye and leaving the house.


"Who wants to taste the chicken?" Grizzy asked. "Me!" I raised my hand. He stabbed a piece at the end of the knife and brought it up to my lips. "Holy shit, Bubs. That's perfect." I held up my hand and he gave me a high five. 

"How does it look?" Pezzy asked Droid who was stirring it all together. "I mean it looks and smells like chicken alfredo." Droid said taking the whole pot. "I'm now realizing this. There is cheese in alfredo." I pointed out. "We put no fucking cheese!" Grizzy yelled and stood by me. 

"You ready to go?" I asked. "Yep. I'm hungry as fuck." He held his hand out to help me get down. "Where are you two going?" Pezzy asked. "Out for dinner. Then back to my place. Love you boys but i need cuddles. It was a rough day at work." I wrapped my arms around Grizzys right arm. 

"Well damn. Didn't think they were leaving." Puffer laughed. "Bye chat. Have a good night." Grizzy waved to chat as we walked off screen. 

We walked back to his and Puffers place to get his car. Before i could open my door and get in Grizzy turned me around and caged me between him and the car. "Hi, Babygirl." "Hi, Bubs." I smiled. He cupped my face and leaned in kissing my lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. 

"I love you. Thank you for going with me to the stream." He hid his face in the side of my neck bringing his hands down to my waist to hold me close. "I love you too. And of course. I love hanging out with the boys so that was a lot of fun. And as much as i don't want to ruin this moment. I'm so hungry." He chuckled and opened the door for me. "Passenger princess." I gasped and sat down. "No more kisses for you." I fake pouted. "Not the kisses!" 

Soooooooo, how was it? I did end up skipping through the video just because i added more in the beginning and end. Within the first three and a half minutes of the video i had written almost 600 words. 

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