The most important person (Final part)

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(After all that happened between Mao and Ritsu, that night Mao couldn't sleep at all. He just kept thinking about Ritsu's words.)

Mao: (I don't think I can call myself reliable again after I hurt my most important friend.

But Ritsu said he wants to be more than friends. And he was dead serious, he couldn't be joking that time atleast.

Now that I think of it, he always talked about that he loves me, I belong to him or he wants to marry me. I never thought he'd be serious about that.
Ahhhh I kinda knew it was like this but do I even feel the same way about him?)

Mao finally slept at last but had a weird dream where he dreamt of him and Ritsu as kids.

Little Mao was crying in the park with bruises in his legs. Little Ritsu walks past him.

Little Mao: Ricchan... Sniff... Those boys...they took my ball and tripped me...can you help me....They... are not giving me my ball back and I can't walk home. My legs hurt.

Little Ritsu: Huh? Ricchan? My name is Ritsu. I don't even know you. Why would I help you?

Lil Mao: Ricchan why...are you talking like that? You're my best friend Ricchan and... I am your Maa kun.

Lil Ritsu: I don't have any friend named Maa kun. Now let me go my friends are waiting.

Lil Mao: Wait Ricchan, don't leave...don't leave me alone...sniff

Mao suddenly wakes up with teary eyes.

Mao: Am I crying for real? That was definitely a horrible dream.

(He then gets ready for school. And on his way to school all he thinks about is Ritsu.)

Mao: (I suddenly want to see Ritsu so bad, pat his soft hair, hear his voice, carry him on my back, I wanna spoil him even more. Why can't I can't think of anything else except Ritsu?  I know now, these are the feelings called love. In the end I do like him so much.)

(Is this how Ritsu always felt? The reason why he wanted to be with me all the time and why can't he see me with anyone else, is because he liked me. And I kept pushing him away instead of accepting those feelings.)

(Today I must talk to him properly. You've tried your best, Ricchan. And your feelings reached to me properly. Now it's my turn to answer them.)

Mao sends a message to Ritsu afterwards. It said:

"Ritsu are you free this evening? Can you come to the park near my home where we used to play? I need to talk to you urgently so I hope you'd come there. I'll be waiting.

Ritsu saw the message but didn't reply. Mao goes to the park like he said, hoping for Ritsu to come.
And Ritsu arrives in a short time.

Mao: I'm so glad you came. I was worried if you'd come or not. Come, let's sit here on this swing first. It's been so long since we came here together. This is the place where we met for the first time.

Ritsu: So you do remember it afterall. But what important work you have with me? There are more important people in your life, you should spend time with them.

Mao: *takes a deep breath* 

Ritsu, I know you're very angry with me and you've got every right to do so. But do listen to what I am about to say. I will try to answer all your questions and clear up all this misunderstanding.

You know I always act up cool and try to push myself hard just so that everyone would appreciate me. But you're the first person for whom I didn't had to do so. Whenever I was crying it was you who would come to me, hug me and say, " It will be alright, Maa kun. I will always protect you."  You're the only one who has seen the crybaby and weak me. And you accepted me just the way I was.

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