Something more than friends

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The next day in the seisoukan lawn:

Ritsu: After that tiring school, It just feels so comfortable lying on this soft grass. Now that I am here I should take a nap for a while.

Arashi: Oh there you are, Ritsu chan! I was looking everywhere for you.

Ritsu: Oh Hi Nacchan. Do you need something from me?

Arashi: Yes. Can you do me a favor please, Ritsu chan?

Ritsu: Hm... That'll depend on the type of favour you need and I am really tired, you know.

Arashi: Aw... Please don't be like that Ritsu chan.

Ritsu: I was just joking. So what do you need my help for?

Arashi: Actually, I borrowed this book from Mao chan during class. But I didn't get the chance to return it to him. He just left in a hurry. I could've returned it to him myself but I have to go for a photoshoot now. Besides, I don't know where he might be.

You're good friends with him so can you find Mao chan and return it to him? This isn't very difficult for you, right?

Ritsu: Okay, No problem. I'll just message him now.

Arashi: Thank you so much Ritsu chan!! I'll definitely bring a nice souvenir for you.

Alright, here take this book. I am leaving now.

(Ritsu then messaged Mao asking where he was. Ten minutes past already but he didn't reply. Then Ritsu decided to call him but Mao didn't answer.)

Ritsu: (Just when I thought that I will stay apart from him, here I am again, calling and messaging him repeatedly. But I couldn't refuse Nacchan's request, she rarely asks for my help afterall.)

(Seriously how can Maa kun be so careless? First he forgot to take his book and then he won't answer the phone at all. 
Maybe I should go look for him now)

(Ritsu looks for him everywhere he could think of Mao might be.
Then he meets Makoto in the lounge.)

Ritsu: Yuukun, do you, by any chance know where Maa kun is? I just can't find him or contact him.

Makoto: So you're looking for Isara kun. I saw him going to the sky garden half an hour ago. Maybe he's still there.

Ritsu: Oh I haven't checked there yet. Thanks.

(Ritsu goes there.)

Ritsu: (There he is...but why is he with Anzu? Why they are sitting so close to each other, smiling like that? I can't see this happening. But interrupting them won't be good so I'll wait for sometime.)

(Ritsu hid and waited for a while. He tried to hear what Mao and Anzu were talking about but he was too far to listen anything.)

Mao: Okay, I've got this now. Thanks for giving me your precious time, Anzu. You're so busy but still helped me. I can't thank you enough for this.

Anzu: I am glad to be of help. I have a meeting soon so I need to go now.

Mao: 'Kay no problem. I've already taken so much of your time. See you later!

Anzu leaves without noticing Ritsu. Mao packed his stuff and came near the exit where he saw Ritsu.

Ritsu: Shouldn't you consider your surroundings before flirting around? You definitely choosed a place where people won't come easily but still
there are so many people here in this building, someone might notice you like I did.

Mao: Woah Ritsu! Why are you here and what you're going on about?

Ritsu: I can come here when ever I want. Are you angry that I interrupted your precious date with Anzu? Well I came after she left so I didn't disturb you after all.

Mao: Oh come on, what's with this date and flirting? We were just discussing something about our new song.

Ritsu: It's not like Knights never do discussions with Anzu. We know our limits and we just keep it to professional level if it's related to work. Not like you sitting on the rooftop, smiling and chatting like lovers.

Mao: Why are you getting so angry over that little thing? Anzu is not a stranger. She is everyone's friend too. And she has a special relationship with everyone in Trickstar so we are naturally quite close.

Ritsu: I am so done with all of your excuses. Doesn't matter anyway. Do whatever you want I am not going to interfere you or ask you to take care of me anymore. I just came to return this book that Nacchan borrowed from you.

Mao: Wait you came all the way just for this? And why are you being so mean today, Ritsu? And stop being so clingy all the time. You were like this on my birthday too. Do you want me to stop talking to anyone and just stick with you all the time?

Ritsu, you're my childhood friend so I would feel bad if you keep sulking forever.

Ritsu: For how long I have to keep being the same old 'childhood friend'? You think that I am being clingy but you don't get why because you never try to understand my feelings. I kept trying to reach out to you but you don't realise anything, you dummy!! I want to be someone more important to you, something more than just friends.

Ritsu broke into crying as he was about to leave.

Mao: Ritsu wait! Don't go like that. I've still got something to say to you.

Ritsu: What you can even say now? You are always so busy but still you've got time for everyone but me. You would never reach me out first untill I call you. Nowadays you keep complaining whenever I ask you to carry me or take care of me. You clearly show that I am a burden to you. You should've told me earlier so that I wouldn't have relied on you.

Let's just end this here. From now on you don't have to trouble yourself with me. We can pretend that we don't know each other at all.

(Ritsu left after saying that. Mao couldn't say anything to him.)

Mao: (That's not right Ritsu. But I can see you're definitely angry since my birthday.
I am so stupid to leave him like that he must've been so hurt. And on top of that I didn't even apologise to him and even shouted at him now. I had so much to say to but I couldn't . I can't let this end here. No, I gotta apologise to him and tell him how important he is to me as well.)

End of part 3

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