Internally, she cringed, I guess that's it?
   "Well- goodbye." She said softly, starting to walk away, before hearing an irritated grunt, making her look back.
    He glared at her from the doorway, motioning her to come in. Alarm bells rang in her head, not wanting to walk into a strangers house- especially when he was twice her size and entirely unpredictable. "Uhm- I'm sorry, I've got to-"
   He rolled his eyes with a huff, before putting his hand out. "Stay." He commanded, before walking inside, shutting the door behind him.
   She blinked- they were right, he was a very odd man. Especially when the first time you meet him he somehow sneaks up silently behind you, covered in blood.

   After a few minutes, he came back out, his apron off and his hands clean, two glasses filled with what looked like iced sweet tea in his hands.
   He wore a dull orange flannel that seemed to barely fit, showing off every single muscle on his body- this guy truly was a specimen. He wore blue jeans to match- which only showed his legs were ripped too.
   With -well, not a smile but at least he wasn't frowning- he handed her the glass.

    "Thanks, John." She hummed politely, making him gulp, taking the glass.
    Y/N took a sip before smiling, that was some good sweet tea. "Man, you know how to make this stuff. Really takes me back." She snickered, causing the corners of his lips to upturn slightly. "I used to live here, actually."
    His smile dropped. She didn't remember him.
   "I hope you like those cookies- your tea is making them look like garbage." She laughed, the sound delighting his ears.

    John leaned on the wall, drinking his own glass.
   Y/N actually liked his company- now that she was mostly sure he wouldn't kill her. Though he was silent, and a little odd, he obviously had a heart. Maybe it's just the amazing tea talking.

    The two finished their glasses, Y/N explaining more about how she got here and how her grandpa gave her his house, before saying goodbye and getting into her car.

    He watched her go, his chest aching as he watched the girl who had befriended the boy much too big for his age. His friend. His only friend.
   John's hand gripped the glass with a longing as she left, almost... scared... that she would leave him alone for years, again.
   He was never a superstitious man, but after all these years she'd come back. It was hard not to call it fate.

The sun beat down, sweat beading at her neck and covering her back.
Y/N huffed and wiped her forehead before continuing on moving the paint roller up and down.
To the side of the house was an old shed that desperately needed paint, so, Y/N had got to work; painting it a cute, soft pink instead. With an accomplished smile, she looked at the finished wall- three more to go.

With a groan, she grabbed the paint bucket and hauled her stuff towards the front of the shed where the door was, knowing this would take more time as she'd now need to do corners. No reason to paint the door when the whole thing all together needed to be replaced.
Y/N started to walk back to get the ladder before seeing an old pickup truck pull into her driveway, quickly realizing it was John.
Diverting from her mission to get the ladder, she gave a smile and wave, walking over to the massive man exiting from his car.

"Hey, John! What brings you 'round here?" She asked, standing in front of him and placing her hands on her hips, having to squint since now she was looking up at him.
"Tea." He said blankly, shoving a plastic pitcher full of iced sweet tea towards her.
With a little laugh, she took it, John having to suppress a giddy little smile.
"Thanks- I'm dying in this heat; been painting the old shed. Things gonna fall apart if I don't." She pointed her thumb to the half pink, decrepit building.

His eyes looked over, to the shed, before looking back to her. "Want help?" He mumbled, causing her to think... she could use a hand.
"That'd be great." She smiled. "Lemme just go put this away- I'll be back."
The h/c jogged into the house, placing the tea in the fridge, before grabbing the ladder. While she was doing this, John took the liberty to peek around the sides of the house, memorizing the windows and doors. Just in case.

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