"How about this one," shark said. "He's
a ginger ..."

Wolf held up the wanted poster again, puss shakes then wolf grins.


Puss tries to trick them, "uh...meow" but not even the bad guys weren't dumb enough to fall for that.

"Oh don't play the dumb act with us, we know it's you puss in boots" wolf says.

Then puss drops the act, "ugh alright, you got me" he groaned, then he jumps and stands up, wielding his sword at him.

But wolf crossed his arms and smirked then puss realized he wasn't on his usual costume nor did he had his sword, he felt embarrassed, then the bad guys started laughing at him which only made it worst.

"Wow, you really gotten soft haven't you" wolf chuckled.

"Geez what happened to you, you got fat...you gone real fat" snake teased.

"Nice beard by the way hombre" piranha mocked him.

"So much for the living legend" webs says.

Now puss was getting much annoyed, "alright very funny, now what do you want bad guys"

"Whoa, ok, first off, it's good guys now" wolf says


"Yeah, we're retired now"

"Oh Sure you are" puss says sarcastically.

"Can second, we need your help to get the map for the wishing Star"

"The wishing Star? You mean it's real?"


"Wait how do you and how do I know if this isn't some trick"

"You really think I would lie about something as legendary as the wishing Star"

"You really think I would lie about something as legendary as the wishing Star"

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But just then, piranha looked outside, he had a worried look.

"Uh hermano, you might wanna see this"

They see Goldielocks and the three bears around puss's graveyard.

"Puss in Boots! I found him! Dead and buried."

Sure enough, they came upon the grave that Puss had made.

"Well, that's that then. What say we go and hibernate, eh?" Papa Bear suggested.

"You're dead" wolf whispered to him.

"It's a long story" puss tells him.

"No! We are not giving up. Jack's goons finally found the map, and it's getting delivered tonight. Without Puss, we'll never steal it! And without the map we'll never find the wishing star!" Goldilocks said.

"That star has one wish to grant. Think of what it could mean for us."

Puss heard it all from his perch behind a bush.

"So The wishing star was real? It wasn't just a fairy tale?"

"See I told you" wolf nudge him.

He could hardly believe it! This was the answer he'd been looking for! He could restore his nine lives-and become the legendary Puss in Boots once more! It would be a Fiesta del Puss for the ages....except for one problem.

"Well, I don't see why we needed to hire Puss in Boots in the first place," Baby Bear said.

"Because nobody steals from Big Jack Horner," Goldilocks replied.

Puss's eyes got as wide as saucers, "WHAT!" He turns to wolf.

"What?" Wolf asked.

Not the Jack Horner!"

Robbin' Big Jack Horner owned the pie factory and was known for his fascination with magical artifacts (and his tight security).

"Look I know he's a dangerous crook But if the map was getting delivered tonight, there may be a chance to steal it before Jack locked it away forever" wolf says.

It was risky, but if the wishing star could get Puss his lives back-and his life back-he had to try.

They watched as Goldilocks and the three bears walked away, intent on their own plan. The bad guys approached the grave as they talked.

Then Puss threw off the mittens that Mama Luna had given him.

"Goodbye, Pickles!" he cheered.

Little did Puss know, Dog was right beside him -again.

"Oh no, Pickles. You're leaving?"

Puss pointed to the grave. "Perro! Start digging!" he commanded.

Puss made sure the bad guys weren't watching,
Dog got right to it, unearthing Puss's costume.

"Okay. But if this Puss in Boots is such a big deal, maybe we shouldn't be desecrating his grave."

Puss smiled, quickly dressing himself in his hat, boots, cape, and belt. "I don't think he will mind, because he," Puss reached for his sword, but remembered it was missing, "is me!"
"Oh, okay," Dog said.

"Normally I have a sword . .. it's like a whole thing, you know?" Puss said.

Then it dawned on Dog. "Pickles, you're Puss in Boots?"

"Not yet, but I will be," Puss said, determined to take upon-and earn--his mantle once more.

"I'lI come with you!" Dog called, but Puss was already running into the woods.

"Sorry, perro! Puss in Boots walks alone!"

But then ge gets grabbed by wolf, "ah"

"You're gonna steal that map for us"

"Why? What do you need it for" puss asked.

"It's not for us, it's for our daughter"

Then puss decided to get cocky, "daughter you say, is she beautiful"

But wolf grabs him by the neck and slammed him against the hood of car, holding a knife against his neck.

"You try anything near our little girl and I'll show you the true meaning to skinned alive" he drops puss and they all get in the car

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"You try anything near our little girl and I'll show you the true meaning to skinned alive" he drops puss and they all get in the car.

"Now get in"

"No way I'm helping you" puss refused.

"You either come with us or go with the bears, your call"

Puss hesitated then he joined him, the bad guys took off when Goldielocks saw the bad guy's car, she stared at them suspiciously.

THE BAD GUYS IN: THE LAST WISHМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя