iv. home

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The sunlight now peaked through the curtains and had grown hot against her face. Klara woke up in a jolt, knocking something with her head as she did so. Through her training, she'd always been able to sense whether there was something near her when she'd been asleep.

"It's okay, your alright," Osferth's voice soothed her, hazily, she realized that he had a damp cloth in his hand. Klara's body loosened, laying back as she let him wipe at her face. He'd always been very gentle and kind to her. Though, as she scanned the room, there was no sign of anyone else. A part of her had hoped that Aethelstan would have stayed, that she would have been woken by him. Klara decided that it was a fool's hope. More than glad to see Osferth and her awake, it meant that they would be leaving soon. Klara found the strength to sit up, realizing that the action had gotten easier. Osferth watched carefully, readying in case he'd be needed when she began attempting to stand. There no longer was a sharp pain in her side, instead, it felt more like pressure. Shocked, Klara decided that the woman- Eadith, must be some kind of sorceress.

"Is there much pain?" He asked, still bracing for her in case her legs decided to give in, gently, he placed his hands around her elbows and kept her up, inspecting the outline of her wound.

"Do you mind, Lady?" His cheecks reeded when she gave him permission, he lifted the corners of the tunic she wore. Klara dared not look at the wound, the sight of pooling blood made her feel rather uneasy. The look on Osferth's face made her all the more hopeful that the wound would not stop her from killing Brida.

"It seems that the bleeding has stopped," Relief came over the both of them. "I shall leave you to get dressed."

"I did not have enough time to bring any leathers," Realising that her sleeping gown was now lain in shreds.

"I shall fetch you some,"

There was something unsettling about wearing clothes that were not her own, she did not question where Osferth got the long dark green tunic from, nor the breeches and sturdy boots that now adorned her feet. She'd hoped that they were her fathers, dressing in the final layer of clothing, a thick leather vest that covered her chest and her stomach, leaving the sleeves of the tunic and her arms exposed. The vest had been slightly tight against her skin, forcing her to have the jewel around her neck to be on display- the necklace that Aethelstan had gifted her. She'd also noted how it pushed her breast's up, making them look more...prominent, she'd prayed to the gods no one would bat an eye at her.

When she approached her father and his men, she felt their eyes burning through her. Making her all the more conscious of how she looked, complete opposite of what she'd hoped.

"I did not realise how much you've grown," Her father said, greeting her gently with his embrace, careful of her wound.

"Father," Deciding it was best to ask, "Whose clothes am I wearing?" Uhtred pulled away from her, observing her face. A smile danced along his lips, then a small laugh. This time she felt fear.

"The tunic you have is Aethelstan's, the breeches were Sihtric's, the leather you have were also Aethelstan's," Uhtred paused, "from when he was a boy," It seemed they had all contributed to her current state. It surprised her that Aethelstan's training clothes from when they were children had fit her, she had not truly realised how much larger he was in statcher. Nonetheless, it brought little comfort that she was now paraded in their old clothes. It hadn't occurred to her that she was now weaponless and her most prized possessions scattered in her rooms for anyone to find or take.

Sihtric approached them, his cheeks had redden slightly and she noticed how he partly avoided her gaze as he spoke to her father about their plans. When he'd finally asked about how she was doing, she noticed his eyes darting all over the place and she realized he'd been trying to avoid looking at her due to the tightness of her clothes. It almost made her laugh when Finan joined their side and was doing almost the exact same, except he'd look at her feet or up in the air when he was speaking to her. This time she did laugh, her body rolling forward.

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