𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘖𝘯𝘦

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𝙆𝙡𝙮𝙙𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

It's another sunny, humid, hot day here is the lovely Sydney, Australia. I'm a 17 year old boy who has a extreme passion for touring and management. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that I was made to be a tour manager.

It was a blessing in disguise when a group of four people found me and decided that, hey, this guy can help our garage band be big. Those four people are Ashton, the drummer. Michael, the gutairist, Calum, the bassist and Lydia, the talented singer.

I got emancipated at the age of 16 and had all my money saved to flee England and live in Australia. It has been a true blessing as I have my own small and cozy home and working as a tour manager for small bands in the area all the while studying for my business and management major in a community college.

I parked my motorcycle that a friend of mine kindly gifted me as a "Welcome to being an adult and having your own home" present at Lydia's driveway, which was the designated practice spot.

I walk into the musical garage and see the four all slowly stop playing their respective instruments. Ashton stared at me with concern. He always did when I wore a leather jacket in blazing heat.

"Take that off, Klyde! It's too hot!"

He spoke, proving my theory of concern to be true. I chuckle and did as he asked, tying it around my waist. I saw him sigh in relief as he saw I was wearing a tank top. I took a seat on a box near the garage entrance and lit up a Lucky Strike.

"How's my lovely band doing?"

I asked with my usual snarky tone. It was something I did subconsciously as a way to joke around with the people.

"We're doing good! We have three new songs."

Michael said with excitement in his tone. I gave him a smile back.

"How about you, brit?"

The excitement Michael had in his voice switched to joking as he asked me the simple question.

"Doing good, Germ Hair. I actually have some good news for you all."

I peered around the room and saw Calum lazer focused on Lydia as she delicately put the gutairs and bass back on their stands. Michael must've noticed too and with his need for everyone to pay attention, he spoke.

"Calum. Hey. Pay attention."

Calum seemed to have snapped out of his glance as he looked at me. He seemed to have some sort of.. glare? Probably due to the heat of today.

"Also, who the hell are you calling germ hair?!"

Michael screeched humorously as he finally picked up on my insult. Ashton and Lydia shared a chuckle.

"You, thank you very much."

I spoke as if I was biting at his neck. He playfully rolled his eyes and we shared a shit eating grin with each other as Ashton yelled,

"Stop swearing!"

"Can we get to the point already?"

𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐀𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 // 𝐨𝐭𝟒Where stories live. Discover now