2. The highway.

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Y/n's pov :

I've been walking with Sophia for a while now. We got to the highway about an hour ago ?? anyway, I dont think we're that close to the girl's group, or at least Sophia hasn't recognized any of the vehicles yet.

'This is so creepy. This place looks like it would usually be full of walkers.. But we've only bumped on a few stray walkers the whole time we've been on the road.'

My thoughts suddenly got interupted by Sophia's voice saying "Thank you." I looked at her with furrowed brows. "Thank you for saving me. You could've left me alone for the walkers to eat, but you didn't." She looked up to me with a sad smile. "Of course little one." I smiled and ruffled her hair while she giggled.

"But now, now that we're on the topic of walkers. I think you should learn self defense." She looks up to me confused. "Really..?" She asks me a bit worried.

"Yes Sophia. Someone won't be there to always help you when danger comes." I tell her. "Okay, I think you're right." She says. "So, here, take my knife." I give her my knife, while taking my switchblade from the back pocket of my pants. "I'll show you how to do it, okay?" She just nods her head.

I see a stray walkers stepping from the woods. I whistle at the walker and before long, the lonely wanderer is about five feet away from our reach.

I motion for Sophia to stay back. I step closer to the walker and kick it's legs under it, then I quickly stab my blade through it's head.

"I think I get it now." I hear Sophia say. "Okay, are you ready to try it yourself?" I ask her. She nods hesitantly. I give her a reassuring look so she knows that she'll be fine.

We see another walker close to us and Sophia repeats everything I did. "Good job little one! That was awesome!" I compliment her. She smiles at me and gives me a hug. I hug her back. "Hey! That's Daryl's truck!" Sophia yells happily as she looks over my shoulder. "Daryl? Is that someone from your group?" She just nods at my question and grabs my hand.

"Sophia wait." I say firmly. She just looks at me with a scared expression. I sniff the air. Lo and behold I smell rotten flesh. I scan the area and see a herd of walkers in the distance. "Sophia. We need to run." I whisper to the now sobbing little girl.

We set off running. Sophia tries to turn back for her doll that fell off her arms, but I pulled her arm and dragged her with me. "There's no time. I'm sorry little one." She looks back at her doll with tears, but grabs my hand anyway and follows me.

I open a random car door and push Sophia inside. "Be quiet, don't move, and in no situation get out or open the doors unless I specifically tell you to." I instruct her. She nods and lays down on the back seats while hugging the knife I gave her.

I shut the door and go sit in the passenger seat. My breathing is heavy and I can feel my heart beating fast.

The herd is getting closer and the rotten smell can be smelled inside the car.

I hear Sophia's little sobs and give her a reassuring glance thru the rearview mirror, which didn't help much.

We just sat in the abandoned car for what felt like hours, even though only a few minutes had went by. Finally, all the walkers had gone.

I got out of the car and told Sophia to stay in the car in case another herd came through. Fortunately for us, the highway was empty of walkers. I told Sophia to come out and follow me. She grabbed my hand as we started walking to lord knows where. We just wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.


This is so short omg

I forgot that I had this story....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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