"You're in a good mood," my dad commented. I blushed and nodded. My mom noticed the bag in my hand.

"What did you get?" she asked excitedly. I smiled.

"My dress for the dance. Eddie took me today," I answered. Her smile grew and she looked at my father knowingly.

"Oh, did he?" she teased. I grinned and shook my head.

"Margie – let's have Eddie over for dinner this week. Grandma's coming in, and I'd like him to meet her," my dad said suddenly. I felt my stomach drop and started shaking my head.

"No, we don't—"

"Oh, that will be so fun! Your grandma would love to meet Eddie," my mom gushed. I watched them, trying to imagine my grandmother meeting my metalhead boyfriend. She would be terrified of Eddie. And Eddie would be terrified of her.

"Maybe – I'll ask him, okay?" I said, not wanting to commit to anything. My dad smiled and nodded, agreeing with me. I said good night to them before going upstairs, dread filling me as I thought about asking Eddie to meet my grandma.

I got into bed after washing my face and brushing my teeth, my anxiety getting worse. I laid in bed, my stomach churning at just the thought of having to invite Eddie. I had no idea how he would react, or if he would even be okay with that. My phone started to ring, and I sat up, lifting it from the receiver.

"Patterson residence," I answered.

"You're still up?"

I grinned and laid back on my bed, twirling the phone cord around my fingers.

"So are you," I replied to Eddie.

"Yes, but I'm a degenerate, princess," he teased. I could hear him smiling through his voice.

"And a terrible influence to boot," I joked back. We sat in a comfortable silence. "Did you call for any particular reason?"

"Can't sleep," he replied simply. He sighed, and I could tell he was working up to something. "You know, I've been sleeping really well when I've spent the night with you."

"Oh, have you?" I replied. I grinned wider.

"Oh, you're like a human sized sleeping pill, princess," he insisted, making me laugh. "So, I was thinking, maybe I could sneak in tonight."

"You're such a menace," I teased. He laughed, but I could tell he was waiting for my answer. I let out a dramatic sigh. "I mean, I wouldn't mind a visit. You tend to keep me warm."

"Really?" he exclaimed, his voice shifting up an octave. I laughed.

"Yes," I replied, getting giddy at the thought of him coming over.

"Okay, I'll see you soon!" he said excitedly, hanging up before I could say goodbye.

I set the phone back in the receiver and sighed happily. I got up, and tried to spruce up a bit, smoothing my hair out and spritzing on my perfume. I took a breath, trying to calm down. There was a soft knock at my window, and I spun on my heel, beaming. I trotted over to it and opened it quickly. I helped my goofy metalhead in and closed the window back up. He was in his comfy clothes, prepared to get to bed and had a small bag with him. He dropped it onto the ground and immediately, his lips were on mine, and he had his arms wrapped around me.

He was picking up with the same kind of fervor as he had earlier, refusing to let me catch my breath and making me foggy with just his touch. He guided me back to my bed, laying me back on it and pressing into me. He moved to my neck, and I gasped, making him smile.

"What happened to needing to sleep?" I croaked. He nipped at my collarbones and came back to my face.

"Can't help it," he replied, close to my lips. He kissed me one more time and smiled, brushing my hair out of my face.

"Let's get into bed," I prompted, having him sit up with me. We quickly moved under the covers, entangling our legs together and I rested my head on his chest. He had his arms around me, kissing the top of my head as we settled in together.

"Thanks for letting me come over, princess," he said quietly. I nuzzled closer to him.

"As if I had a choice," I quipped. He chuckled and pulled him closer. I felt my anxiety build. "Actually, I needed to ask you something, so this works out well."

"Yeah?" he asked, scratching my back. I took a deep breath.

"My parents want you to come over for dinner one night this week," I started.

"I love coming over for dinner with your parents, that's no big deal," he assured. I winced.

"Yeah," I said vaguely. "My grandma is coming, too, so you can meet her."


"I'm, uh, I'm not good with grandparents, Go," he said quietly. I looked up at him.

"You'll be great. You thought you weren't good with parents, but mine love you," I assured. He smirked.

"That's because they're nerds like me," he joked, kissing my nose. I squeezed him.

"I promise you'll be great," I replied, trying to convince myself as well. He watched me before brushing my hair back and kissing me softly.

"Do I need to dress up?" he asked. I sighed happily, relieved he was saying yes.

"You'd look so handsome if you did," I answered. He grinned and rolled his eyes but nodded his head.

"Alright – I'll come meet your grandma," he said, kissing me on the forehead. I was relieved that he said yes, and I knew my parents would be happy – my dad especially.

"We're like a real couple and everything," I said quietly. He laughed.

"I know – it's nice," he answered, kissing me softly before we curled up together and went to sleep. 

Beauty and the DorkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz