Chapter 15.

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Sheldon's POV:

This is all so.. unnatural to me..

I don't see a future with Leonard..anymore.

I don't see myself as a gay man.

Do I.. love him?

Leonard's POV:

This is all so.. natural to me.

I see a future with Sheldon..even more.

I see myself as a gay man.

I definitely.. love him.


Weird huh? That they're having the same thoughts, just opposing one to the other.

Maybe Sheldon's finally figuring out something.

Maybe Leonard's still in the trap.

Sheldon's mind taken over by his wonderful wife.

Leonard's mind taken over by the sweet handsome man.

They are both very vulnerable.

But they have to be careful, because somethings coming for them.



General POV:

Amy: Well, that's all I have to say.. if you ever need to talk about it, I'm here for you Sheldon.

Sheldon smiled hearing her say that.

Sheldon: Thank you, talk to you later.

Sheldon hung up, and places his phone down.

Leonard: So..? What happened?

Sheldon: Nothing.. I... I'm just gonna go take a quick walk to get my mind of stuff.. okay?

Leonard looked at him strangely.

Leonard: A walk? But you hate going wa-

Sheldon: If I wanna go walk I can go walk!

The rough answer made Leonard flinch, he isn't used to this kind of Sheldon..

Leonard: Okay.. have fun then I guess..

Leonard frowned slightly, looking at Sheldon put his phone in his pocket, and walk out the apartment door.

Sheldon's POV:

Sheldon slowly walked down the stairs, taking every second alone thinking about this whole situation.

Again, this might just be his brain fooling with him... but... why?

He stepped outside......and already hated it.

But he had to take some time to think.

But maybe going for a walk just isn't the right approach?

Sheldon sighed, as he started walking around the place.

He looked around, nothing too impressive.. but just enough to get him thinking.

The more he kept on walking, the more he thought of it..

Until he heard a dog bark at him.

He immediately snapped back to reality and saw a woman walking with her small dog.

He quickly ran away from the dog, but running made him exhausted... and just overall tired of all this emotion.

Do I really love him?

No.. he's my best friend.. it's just.. wrong.

This is just a middle life crisis.. (Kinda)

My brain is just fucking with me.. (Rare Sheldon moment 🙌)

It's changing me so much....

No.... Change... my worst enemy..

This.. can't work out..

Sheldon: I need to tell him.

Leonard's POV:

I wonder what Sheldon's thinking about now..

Maybe I should think about it too..

So, that's what Leonard did.

Maybe I don't like him... and it's just my brain playin' with me?

Is that.. possible?

Pff.. of course it is!


All this has left everyone just so confused.. it's excruciating.

I mean.. I love my wife so much... but.. Sheldon..

Then, *snap*

Sheldon's my best friend.. and best friend only.

Leonard sighs, realizing he can't be with him, he's just a friend.. a best friend.

....but why all this?

What does it mean..?

Will the emotion be strong enough to push them together, or pull them apart..?

Well, they'll both find out, pretty soon.

Heyy yall.... I'm sorry for this terrible chapter, and extremely long wait.. the next chapter will probably be the last and final one. I'm not in the tbbt fandom no more.. and tbh, the only reason I'm continuing, is because I hate when I get hooked on a story, and it's just discontinued.. and just will never be updated. So, I didn't want to do that to yall, because I appreciate all of you reading this FanFic. (Idk why you like this, It's terrible.. but I'm glad you guys like it so much.)

Now, I swear, the last chapter WILL be posted sometime soon, so if you want to see how it ends, well, I'll give you the end.

Cya, and enjoy the ride :).

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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