8. Shopping

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I start to shift as I slowly wake up, my eyes then flutter open and I'm meet face to face with Jack. He's so peaceful sleeping, his eyes closed and breathing calmly looking absolutely gorgeous. As much as I wanted to stay cuddled up on the couch with him, I had a huge day of shopping ahead of me. I roll over and I'm about to get out when two strong arms snake around my waist and pull me in close.

"Don't leave. Please." Says Jack with a groggy morning voice

"I have to. I have a big day of shopping and I need to get ready so I make it to the mall before everyone else." I explain

"Just five more minutes." He grumbles


We lay in comfort for the next ten minutes absorbing the presence of one another.

"Your time's up Hughes." I say trying to break free from his grasp

"Just five more minutes." He responds

"You said that ten minutes ago." 

"Please just stay."

"How's this. If you let me go, I will take you shopping with me." I say looking at the gorgeous boy Infront of me.

"Deal." He says like a exited little kid 

"Okay, be ready and at the door in a half hour." I say

I quickly run upstairs then , shower, do my makeup, throw on my lulu swiftly tech top, some lulu shorts,  Nike shoes, and one of Luke's hoodies. Once I'm all ready I make my way downstairs and find a hyper looking Jack waiting at the door for me.

"What's with the hoodie?" He questions

"One of Luke's, I take all of his stuff." I respond

"Give me just one second, okay." He says as he bolts up the stairs and then back down a minute or so later carrying something

"Here." He says holding out what seems to be a hoodie

I open up the piece of clothing Jack gave me and find that it's on of his USA hockey hoodies.

"Really?" I say looking at him smiling

"Your don't have to keep it I just thought you would rather the better brothers name on your back." He says smirking

"Thanks. This hoodie is sick."

He responds with a  smile and walks out to the car. Once he's outside I quickly swap my hoodie for the one Jack gave me, it even smells like him. I walk out and get in Jacks jeep and connect my phone to the speakers. We play Taylor swift the whole way there and I scream the lyrics. The car stops as we park out-front the huge mall, wow. This place was huge, like HUGE.

"Well come one, your acting like you have never seen a mall before." He says laughing at his comment

"This is like heaven for me so don't make fun." 

"Okay then. Do you want to go inside?"

"YES!" I say excitedly

Jack and I manage to hit every good store in the place. Nike, Lululemon, under armor, ross dress for less, target, dicks sporting goods and SO many more. We have covered every square inch of this place and Jack is holding a million bags, and he looks like his arms are about to fall off. So we decided it was time to head back home after our 5 hour excursion. Which might I add was VERY successful, and a lot of fun yet exhausting. It takes a while to load all of the bags into the car but we get it done and we begin to drive back to the house, which is like a 45 minute drive. We blast random songs the whole way back and make a small pit stop on the way for some taco bell, because I was craving a burrito and those cinnamon crunchy chip like thingies. We spent way longer than expected and got back to the house around 5:30 ish. We waddle inside because of how much were carrying and slowly lug everything upstairs into my room. We dump all of the bags and sort through them organizing who's were who's. Of course the variety of clothes and bags we mine but Jack still got quite a bit of stuff so we still had to look for his stuff. Once we done we pack it all into our own closets and bags, then we decide to watch a movie. We go into Jacks room because he's the one with a tv and cuddle up under his bedding. We put on the movie clueless and turn off the lights for 'affect, he puts his arm around me and pulls me into him. We have fallen asleep and woken up together almost every night we have spent here, so we have gotten very comfortable with each others presence. We watch the whole movie then decide to take a mini nap as it was much needed and deserved after our long day. He turns off the tv and slumps down into the bedding, Jack then pulls me on top of him and wraps his arm around my back and we both peacefully fall asleep.

(Jack Hughes) Besties brother?Where stories live. Discover now