4. Curry with a pinch of jealousy

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"COMING." Luke and I yell

We run run down stairs as fast as we can trying to beat each other for first down. Luke obviously wins but it is a bit unfair since he's got longer legs and he threw me onto my bed before I even had a chance to run, so he got a HUGE head start.

"HAH! I win and your still too slow." Luke says pulling hideous faces at me


"AND?! YOU KICKED ME!" He yells back


"Quinn. You do realize you just yelled while you told us NOT to yell." I says smirking

"She has a point you know?" Trevor says as he happily adds to our conversation of us attempting to annoy Quinn

"HERE!" Jacks yells as he enters the kitchen

"Okay, good. Now that everyone's here can we please quit bickering and eat?" Quinn says now very annoyed

"Yes." We all say dragging the e 

We all go fill our bowls with the curry and head into the living room. I'm really glad Luke's parents aren't here otherwise we wouldn't be able to eat on the couch. I snuggle up in the corner with Trevor next to me and eat my food while watching 'IT'. I hate scary movies so much I was practically hiding under the blanket. We have been watching 'IT' for 40 odd minutes and I'm scared to death squeezing Trevor like my life depends on it. A big jump scare happens and I hide into Trevor's chest in shock and squeal causing everyone to look over at me, and when Jacks finds that I'm cuddled into Trevor his smirk drops and he looks disappointed in a way and quickly switches his focus to the tv. Not long after I notice Jack get up and leave the living room.

"I think I'm gonna go toilet." I say

"Be quick you don't want to miss this part." Cole says his eyes glued to the tv

I quickly walk off out of the living room and go to Jacks room to see if he's there. I walk in and find him lying down on his bed facing the wall.

"Hey." I say gently

"Oh, hey." He says as he turns to me

"Why did you leave?" I ask

"Don't like scary movies that much."

"Me neither, they freak me out and afterwards I can't sleep for weeks."

"I could tell, you look petrified." He said smirking

We sit there for a bit just looking around the room avoiding eye contact. I decide to break the awkward silence.

"How's hockey? The NHL must be pretty cool, you know the whole getting to meet famous players you have looked up to since you were little and getting paid big bucks. Oo, and how could I forget that you also get lot's of puck bunnies now. All that must be pretty nice huh?"

"Haha yeah I guess it is pretty cool but as for the puck bunnies, I don't really care for them. I want someone who likes me for me you know." He responds honestly while staring into my eyes

"That's understandable." I reply

I stand for a bit just staring at Jack until I decide to leave. I turn around and as I'm about to walk out of his room he asks.

"Hey. A- I was going to watch some mighty ducks, if you want to stay you can?" Jack says as he looks at me his eyes practically begging me to stay

"Yeah, sure. I love those movies and I need to watch something happy after what we just watched or I think I will have nightmares." I say as I giggle at myself

Jack pats the spot on his bed next to him. I sit right next to him and pull the duvet over me and snuggle into his bed, he grabs the remote and we scroll through trying to find the first movie. After a while we find it on Disney plus and we watch the screen as the movie starts. After a few minutes of watching the movie and getting comfortable Jack puts his arm around my slumped shoulders and pulls me into him. I look up and find him staring me and I return him with a smile. It's getting really late and we are onto the second movie which is my favorite. I slowly shift my head and look to Jack who is half asleep, his eyes on the verge of closing and his face completely rested. I didn't have the effort in me to go to my own room so I decide to stay. Time passes and I feel my eyes begin to get heavy, my breath to slow and I am exhausted. Within the minute I feel my eyes shut and I fall asleep in Jacks arms.

(Jack Hughes) Besties brother?Where stories live. Discover now