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Rosie's eyes snapped open after she felt like years of sleeping...

The girl groaned trying her best to get off the floor, only she realized the floor was moving. Her eyes moved to the side and saw her best friend passed out, his arms wrapped around her. Ignoring the slight blush on her cheeks, she carefully unwrapped his arms away from her looked at the area.

There was still in the boat, in the middle of the lake, in Spain, where the dead gigantic fish underneath the abyss of the lake.

A beep on her ear caused her to snap out of her thoughts.

Hunnigan: [Conder Two?! Can you hear me? You have been radio silent for 3 hours! Are you alright? I can't get any response on Conder One-]

Rosie's eyes glanced at Leon's unmoving form, she sighed and replied to Hunnigan.

"Yeah... We're fine. Conder One is still knocked out. It won't happen again."

Gripping on the engine of the she finally remembered the task that they had to do at the moment.

"Still looking for whatever "key" we need though."

Hunnigan: [Copy that. I'm glad your OK, Conder Two. Take care of Conder One too, Roost Out.]

The female said before cutting off their contact, Rosie sighed before riving up the engine of the boat, this time she will play captain since the Ace is currently having his beauty sleep. The boat moved, continuing their mission to find Ashely Graham.

Her mind wandered over to the weird dream she had. A man in a hood... Whispering words to her that she couldn't understand, she saw her hands with black veins. There was a clone of herself infront of her, with red eyes... Holding a gun... Pointing it at a young girl with blonde hair. Looking at her fearfully in the eyes. Her vision was cut as soon as she heard the gun trigger.

Piecing up it all together, she realized another self of her just killed or tried to kill Ashely Graham. Impossible though... Her eyes aren't red right now, her arms are completely fine.

Rosie punched her self in the cheek, a stinging pain grew but she ignored it. Better check that she is still Rosie, Rosie Tulip a recruited agent in BSAA. Partner is Leon Kennedy in a mission to find the President's daughter.

The boat arrived at a dock, stopping the boat in the wooden bridge. Killing the engine, Rosie let out a sigh before standing up from the boat. Her eyes found Leon knowing she got to move him away from the boat.

The guy is full of muscles... Not that she min- No! Rosie!

Slinging his arm over her shoulder and another arm on his torso. She gave every strength she got to lift him up, she gasped and yelp at the sudden weight against her.

"Okay- You big guy! G-Goodness, what do you eat for breakfast?"

She grunted as she finally managed to get him out of the boat and stumbled over to a door she saw, praying atleast some source of heat for their soaked selves from the lake to make them atleast get warmed from the cold water.

Unfortunately there wasn't a fire place, only a lit up oil lamp. Thinking it was enough, she set him down on the floor placing the oil lamp beside him. Her eyes looked around, and saw a police cap. The same looking cap from the officers they were with, deciding to check out the outside of the house she found some boxes she could break-


Leon exclaimed, his eyes shaking as he looked at his arms in a panicking way. His eyes darted around the room and saw an oil lamp beside him, he was inside a wooden and stone cottage. How the hell did he get here- wait... Rosie?!

Resident Evil 4: Remake || PARTNERS [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt