Rookies diary

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(Rookies diary POV) I was waking into the new place, I didn't get a good look at it after I saw jpg and ran away. But I had to muster up the courage, I mean who wouldn't be terrified after the traumatizing PSA bombing?! Sorry, I got side tracked! Anyways, I walked in but I looked a little different, I hoped people would recognize me. After all I bought this sweet new flower shirt! I was also wearing a scarf because I was a little cold. But that's besides the point, I looked around and I saw tubes of some sort..I was going to check it out but I saw G waddling towards me, I tried to stay calm and I think G saw I was nervous..after all he did say
"Good afternoon, agent rookie! You seem a little tense, are you alright?"
I tried to say something but for some reason I just couldn't, so I just nodded. He offered to show me around and I said no, I wasn't thinking straight! I'm sorry! I could've gotten help which is what I wanted! So he just left me be, then I went towards the tubes and looked at them for a bit, I was really confused. After looking at them in confusion jpg went up to me,
"New system, It's the fastest route for transportation in this place."
He sounded..excited of some sort, maybe the new system is fun!
"I need YOU to try it out."
I looked at the ground and back up quickly after realizing what he said.. "So you're saying nobody tried it out yet?! AWESOME!! I'm always in for a little danger!" Of course, I was wrong. I went inside the tube after he opened it, I was really excited.
"Where am I going anyw-OAHH!"
before I even finished my sentence I got shot up into the gadget room! It was SOO was also kinda weird not seeing other epf agents around because only the leads were allowed in on the first 3 days. Oh and I literally got stuck in the machine! Jpg had to fish me out, looks like they should've made it bigger. After I got out I went to talk to some of the other leads! It was pretty fun, after all I got to pet some of the elite Puffles! I took a look around, some things were a lot different, everything looked so much I liked the new look tho! I don't know where the cameras went of the whole island, that worried me a little. Looks like I didn't need to be nervous after all! I mean surely Herbert wouldn't plan anything else right?..

||Hello! I finally published a new chapter. I'm sorry, this one is so short! I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading!||

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