Chapter Thirty-Four

Começar do início

His friend pointed to where the table was, "Look over there, isn't that the girl P told us to watch out for?"

"Oh is..." he replied in between chewing bites of his sandwich.

"Does that look okay to you dude?" the dark-haired boy asked.

They looked back at the scene across the cafeteria. The young girl was surrounded by a group of people; she looked to be on the verge of tears. Her eyes were darting around the room before falling back to the table, her bottom lip was quivering. They didn't fail to notice how Brad's hand seemed to disappear under the table where her leg would be. The two boys looked at each other, the situation striking them odd.

"No it doesn't," the blond replied, "wait isn't that Brad?"

"Looks like it."

"What's he doing with a freshman with his hand on her leg? He's almost eighteen, she's what fourteen?"

"Thirteen," the raven-haired boy corrected.

The blond teenager frowned, "I'm going to take a picture, that doesn't look right."

"Send it to Pietro."

"I don't know dude..."

The darker haired teen looked at his friend, "Pietro told us to tell him if something is off with her, we haven't seen her in here once in the month we've been trying to keep an eye on her and all of a sudden she's with him?"

"True..." the boy replied, slightly nodding his head.

"I don't know about you, but that doesn't look right. She looks like she's going to cry."

He sighed, "Fine...I sent it."

"I'm going over there, I want a closer look, hand me your tray." the older boy announced, motioning for him to hand over his tray.

The lighter haired boy pushed his tray over to him after he moved his bottle of water off of it to the counter.

"Thanks," he replied, standing up.

The dark-haired teen started walking towards the trash cans that happened to be near the other group's table. As he approached the table, he slowed his pace so he could listen in on the conversation; he continued on his way to the trash cans and drop off area for the lunch trays. When he walked back over to the table he could hear more of the conversation

"Pl-please...I-I want to go...B-brad. I won't tell a-anyone." the younger girl asked quietly, her voice shaking.

The boy frowned at the sound of her scared voice.

Brad smirked at her and leaned closer to her, his dark eyes glaring at her, "I know you won't, and why would I let you go? You've been missing from lunch for the past month and a half. I just want to spend time with you little cousin." he replied, his muscles tensing up.

She winced, "Y-you're h-hurting m-me...l-let go."

"I don't care," he hissed.

The dark-haired boy cast his gaze down to under the table where he noticed Brad's hand was in fact on her leg like he and Robbie had suspected. He noticed the tight grip he had on the girl's leg, something was definitely off with this.

He cleared his throat to get the group's attention, "Uh hey guys," he greeted.

Brad quickly moved his hand from the thirteen year old and shifted himself away from her, "Sup man." he replied, flashing him a smile.

The Avengers WeaknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora