cartman find🤯

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cartman1 pov ong ong

"Fatass is gonna eat all the food here istg" the jew sa"HYAHGJY IM NYOURT FHAT IM BHIG BKJHONED!!!"I lectured him cuz he's a jew and jews r stupid and dumb and stupider, just like I'm right and I'm ckool

"Shut up fatass, anyways, why are we here again," Mr. Hoe4adad said while being friends with the KJEEEW tbh they say there super best friends, but I think their fags so their super BOYfriends, fucking faggots

(why am I actually making this.💀💀💀)

I hate faggots so much fucking faggots grrr I hate them if I could kill all faggots I would

"CARTMAN" the jew yelled at me "I told you he only responds to fatass, for example, FATASS!!!!!!1!1!11!!!1" "IM NOT FHAT IM BYIG BOOOJ1OIJN3D11!!11°1!!" oops my voice cracked fuck jews I bet the jew caused it fucking faggot jew
I look around for kenny rq to throw at them but I forgor Kenny already died today by trying to do a quadruple backflip off a roof, haha imagine dying every day for the past however many the fuck years

"Wanna know what, fuck you guys, I'm going, home, "I say about 2 leave cuz these FFFFAGGSOTS are killin me ong ong.

I turn around and walk away cuz I'm cool and allat then I see the love of my life, cartman.
wait aren't I cartman, what the fuck

The other cartman looks over at me runs up to me and kisses me ong ong and I just realized THATS GAY!!!! EVEN WORSE, HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!!!!!! EHHHHWHWWWWWW EHHWWWWHWW wait it's ok cuz I'm ckewwl

and we skip into the moon happily ever after 💀💀

cartman x cartman ong ong (South park)Where stories live. Discover now