Thirty eight

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August 23 2020


Juliette pov

I lay on one of the beds near the beach with Evelyn, as she sleeps on my chest.

"Hiya love" Drew says as he jumps over to me.

"Shh, she's sleeping" I whisper to him.

"Oh shit, sorry" he lays down next to me and his arm wraps around my shoulder, "hows it feel to be 24?" he places a kiss on my hair as he shifts to get comfy.

"It's amazing, thank you," I tell him

"Well you shouldn't be thanking me you should thank your parents there the ones that made you." He tells me

"Eww Drew that's gross" I whisper to him.

He just laughs, "Right I would give you your present but the thing is... I kind of forgot it... sorry love" he whispers as he scratches my shoulder in comfort.

"Hun, it's fine," I tell him.

I feel our daughter begin to stir on my stomach, before she lifts her head to look at us.

"Hi" she mumbles, looking at us.

"Hi baby" I push her hair out her face.

"Did you have a nice sleep princess?" Drew asks her.

"Mhm I did Drew" She smiles at us.

Drew's face falls "What did you call me?" he questions,

She sits on my stomach and just stares at him and then at me a little laugh escapes her mouth.

"What did you call me, princess?" he asks once more, moving to face her properly.

She looks at me then at the beach before looking back to him, "Drew"

"Right, come here" he says and leans forward to grab her but she takes if running. "No come back here. I'm daddy or papa not Drew!" he shouts as he runs after her.

I run after her and scoop her up into my arms and run off with her in my arms.

"Haha your mothers got you now, you stuck... Wait why are you running?! This isn't fair! I feel betrayed girls!" he shouts down the beach as he runs after us.

5 minutes of running I'm battered I can see that Drew is too. He is walking towards the sea and sits down on the wet sound.

I go and sit next to him with Ev on my lap.

"Hi Drew," she tells him

"Daddy" he corrects her.

"Dreww" she over-exaggerates.

He just stares at her and takes her off my lap and onto his. "Daddy" he corrects once more.

"Drew" she presses her forehead against his.

"Ok what's her name?" he asks pointing to me.

"Thats mamma" she smiles.

He falls back into the sand and let's out a groan.

"Drew" she pokes his chest

Unnamed grop chat

How do you send kids


Im so confused

Same girl

It's hilarious

No its not
Evelyn keeps calling me Drew

That is your name mate 👩‍🦯

Yeah i dont see a problem 🤸‍♀️

Jesus u lot are stupid 🏃‍♀️
Its his child shes not supposed
to call him by his name

Thank you mads

Still funny tho

OMG 🕳️👨‍🦽

🦍 doesn't see the point

Do you have a video

Jules attached 2 videos


I love that child

Bel saved to camera roll

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