chapter 13

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Joker sat in his cell, listening to the screams of the other prisoners, many screaming in pain. It wasn't like he's never heard screams before but knowing that they're coming from ppl he knew and cared about made him uncomfortable. He looked over to cell Infront of and noticed a guard was staring at him liking his lips, joker shuddered "great" he muttered quietly. Joker laid down and went to sleep, when he awoke, a guard was standing by his cell door " come on joker, time for breakfast, let's go" he said opening the door as another walked in and put cuffs on him. Joker smiled " what's for breakfast today" the guard sighed "scrambled eggs, pancakes and either orange or milk" he said closing the cell once joker left. One hour later, joker was led back to his cell, while at breakfast he seen Harley and asked if she had any plans on breaking out, she said yes but they'd need king shark's help. Joker smiled, he and king shark were really close, both relied on each other for certain recourses so getting his help wouldn't be hard. During free time, joker went over to king shark while he was lifting weights, joker watched with a smile "hey sharky, got a minute?" King shark smiled then nodded, joker led him over to a bench "so Harley and I have this plan to get out of here and I could use your help" he said king shark nodded "I guess I know what ya need but I have a 2 requirements, you okay with that" he asked, joker smiled "but of course, anything to get me out a here" he's been here for a week already and was ready to go "so firstly, I'll need a key card secondly is I want a night with you" after he said that joker looked at him questioning "uhhhh I beg your pardon" joker said. "Look I know that it's a weird request but I'm lonely and nobody has given me the time of day but you, please" king shark asked, joker felt bad so he agreed "just nothing too rough ok, my body hurts enough from the beatings the guards give me" he said laughing. King shark smiled " We both have cleaning duty tonight, meet me in the janitors closet Tonight at 1" he said walking back to his weights then winking at joker. Oh boy this going to be an eventful day, joker made his way to his cell to wait for the night to begin.

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