(Next Day)

At the cafeteria, Okami and Asuna along with Sakuya are having a breakfast meal.

Okami: Oh, so that's why I didn't see Kamiki today. He's on a day off.

Sakuya: Yes. Since every week, at least two members get a day off.

Okami: Well, I did get a day off last week.

Asuna: Me too.

Sakuya: By the way, do you know where Member Kamiki live?

Asuna: Well, Kamiki live at Ebisu. His family owns a flower shop.

Sakuya: Oh, a flower shop. That's nice.

Okami: But that guy is lucky... His day off is basically at weekend so he don't have to worry about going to school.

Asuna: What are you talking about? Kamiki always have homework and online class.

Okami: So that's why he late at some meeting, huh?

Sakuya: He already got permission from Captain so he'll be fine.

Asuna: I wonder what is he doing at this day off...?

(Ebisu City)

At the streets at Ebisu City, it shows Hiro is riding on his own motorcycle and ride across the place. People there recognize Hiro as he grew around the neightbourhood, and they greet him when he past by.

(Yagi's Korokke)

At the local korokke shop where everyone would go, Hiro stop by and bought some korokke.

Hiro: Thanks, Yagi-san. *take a bite of korokke* Mmm! So good! I really missed your korokke!

Yagi: Really? Then you should've come here all the time and buy more! Ahahaha!

Hiro: I literally do that since middle school.

Yagi: Yeah, yeah, I know, kid.

Hiro: Hey, old man. *look around* This shopping district seems to be have less people today.

Yagi: Yeah, because there's a car shop not far from here. Many people actually went to watch it. But I don't mind if there aren't much people coming here. As long those kids went come here and buy some korokke, I'm already happy seeing their happy faces when enjoy it!

Hiro: Like the old days...

Yagi: How was your work?

Hiro: I'm doing fine. Being a Kaiju rescuer is harder than I thought, but I'm working hard on it.

Yagi: I see, I see. That's good. Youngsters should dream big!

Then Hiro bid farewell to Yagi before he get in his motorcycle and ride away.

(Time Skip)
(Kamiki Flower Shop)

Arriving at the shop, Hiro park the motorcycle outside and take off his helmet, putting it on the motorcycle. He look at the shop and sees few people come out with flowers they bought as Tsukasa bow to them.

Tsukasa: Thanks for visiting our shop, please come again.

Hiro: *enter the shop* How's business going on?

Tsukasa: Hmm? *turn around* Ahh! Hiro!

She went to her brother and greet him.

Tsukasa: Welcome home. How are you?

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