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After your shower, you headed back to Lady Dimitrescu's Chambers.

You knocked and waited for the countess to allow you in, then you entered the room.

The countess was sitting at her bedside with a red silk robe on.

Your eyes were immediately drawn to the countess's cleavage.

"Looking at something?" The woman teased

You look away quickly in embarrassment and the countess chuckled.

"Come sit," the woman said.

You walked towards the woman and were taken off guard when she grabbed you by your hips and rested you on her leg.

You looked at the woman wide-eyedly.

"Are you okay, after what that stupid child did?" She said the last part in a low tone.

You nodded silently, even though you still felt your privacy was invaded by him.

"Where did he touch you" the woman asked.

This question confused you, but you still answered.

"On both sides of my waist.." You said.

The countess hummed and gently placed her hands on both sides of your waist.

"Like this?" She asked

You blushed and looked away while nodding.

"Are you uncomfortable?" The lady asked again.

"N-no.." You stuttered a response.

"Why is it that, you were uncomfortable with that man thing?" The woman raised an eyebrow.

"Y-your different"

"How so?" She asked.

"W-well.. you're a woman.." You said

The lady took one hand off your waist lifted your head gently and whispered in your ear.

"I do have a thing for cute girls though~" she said sadisticly.

You quickly covered your flushed face.

"Show me your face." The woman said.

You slowly removed your hands from your face and looked at the woman.
Now the countess's face was serious.

"did he kiss you" she asked.

"..y-yes.." You responded

The countess gritted her teeth, she then set you on the ground.

"I'll deal with him later, I assume you're hungry, you haven't eaten anything all day," she said

"Y-yeah" you said.

"I see, you may go make yourself some food." The countess dismissed you.

You left the room and went to the kitchen to cook something to eat.

you heard laughing approaching you and turned around. It was the three sisters.

"It seems Mother has gotten a bit protective of you" Bela stated.

"Seems Uncle Heisenberg has upset Mother a bit too much this time," Daniela said

"I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to cut off his dick." Cassandra laughed.

You just stood there looking confused.

"Why would she do that?" You asked Cassandra.

"Because mother hates it when people touch her belongings, duh." She rolled her eyes

"You mortals can be so dense" Bela stated.

"What did he touch that was hers?" You asked

Now all three of them were laughing like maniacs.

"You, dummy" all three of them said.

You took a step back a bit baffled by what they just said. You? A belonging? Of Lady Dimitrescu? This was all too confusing.

All eyes turned to the door when it opened.

"Now, now daughters, let the maiden eat." The countess spoke as she bent in through the doorway and stood.

"Yes Mother," they all said in unison and swarmed away in their swarm of bugs.

The woman looked at you for a moment then spoke.

"Anything wrong?"

"N-no.. uhm, b-but do you consider me as a-a.. belonging?" You asked as a sudden nervousness flew over you.

The countess hummed

"A belonging.. no, but you do belong to me, and me alone only I am aloud to touch you. That's why that stupid man-child is getting a severe punishment"

You blushed at her words for some reason that you didn't understand.

"Do you have s problem with that?" She asked darkly.

"N-no! No, I don't." You responded

"Good, you better get back to cooking, you humans are so fragile," she said then left the room.

You continued to cook then when you were done you ate, and after that, you headed back to your chambers and went to sleep.

Word count (683)

The Shy Maiden (Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now