The Garden

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It was cold cold, not only that you didn't have a coat on.

You don't know how far you walked or how long for that matter, all you know is that you needed to find warmth quickly.

You had run away from your village because if you hadn't you would've been dead.

All the villagers hated you including your family, they were all planning on getting rid of you so you ran and ran until you didn't know where you were.

Now you find yourself facing a huge castle, you look up at the huge palace in awe.

"Woah.." You snapped out of your gaze and continued towards it.

When you walked through the gates of the castle you saw scarecrows but they weren't normal.

They stenched of a wretched smell the smell of death.

'Wait are those.. dead bodies!?' You thought.

And yes they were. You watched as a crow landed on one of the scarecrows. It started picking at the dead body eating a bit of its flesh then it flew away.

'That was fucking disgusting' you thought as you continued to walk.

Soon you were in a garden-looking area you looked around and a sudden breeze came about.

You shivered. You looked around but stopped when you heard a twig snap. You turned around and started peering into the area where the sound came from.

Suddenly a hand from behind you put a cloth over your mouth and nose they held it tightly there.

you struggled for a second but became weak from lack of oxygen and passed out.

Word count (270)

The Shy Maiden (Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem)Where stories live. Discover now