Ochacko Uraraka.

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Ochacko Uraraka yawned into her hand, tired tears pooling in the corner of her eyes.

She had been rudely woken up at the ungodly hour of five, just to go for a jog. Something she could have done on her way to school.

Of course just because she was tired didn't mean her teachers were nice to her today. In fact they were even meaner.

Aizawa-Sensei had snapped at her for falling asleep in class, which was on her but still uncalled for.

Midnight had given her a lecture for not paying attention, and Present Mic had very verbally displayed his disappointment.

The only teacher not on her case was All Might, but he was the reason why she was woken up at five in the morning.

"Hey, Uraraka?" Tsuyu Asui, the frog-like girl asked.

"Yes Asui?" She replied.

"Firstly, call me Tsu. Secondly, you're Quirk is quite similar to All Might's isn't it?"

Panic flared through Ochako at the girl's question. She had done so good at hiding her connection to All Might.

She had renamed her smashes after planets, her costume wasn't anything like his and during class time she had avoided talking to him in order to limit suspicion.

So how had she figured it out?

"Dead wrong Frog-face." A very irritated Katsuki Bakugo replied. "Cheeks over there has a gravity based Quirk, which you should have noticed if you were paying attention at all during lessons."

"Then pray tell, how do you explain the sheer physical strength she has?" Tenya Iida, their class President and local teacher's pet asked.

"Simple. She's probably utilizing her Quirk to increase the force of gravity on her punches. It's not fucking rocket science."

Pretty soon the class burst into a loud and joyful conversation about their Quirks and how amazing they all were.

Ochacko simply sunk into her seat and made a silent prayer of thanks. If it wasn't for Bakugo's interference, she might have been busted then and there.

Speaking of the blonde boy, Ochako glanced over at him and felt heat rise to her cheeks as she did.

Bakugo was probably the biggest delinquent she had ever met. Constantly cursing at teachers and getting into fights with basically any student who looked at him wrong.

However, unlike a majority of her classmates he took his time here a UA seriously. He constantly aced any and all practical lessons, his explosive Quirk and chizzled physique seemingly built for action.

He was also surprisingly intelligent, coming to the class's rescue whenever a remotely difficult maths equation was on the board. If someone was having difficulties with their one Quirk he is one of the first to offer some advice.

If it wasn't for the fact that his attitude matched his body odor, Katsuki Bakugo would be one of the most popular and well liked students in school.

The bus came to a stop in front of a large dome-like building with three golden letters mounted on the top.


"Universal Studios Japan?" Denki Kaminari asked.

"Incorrect." The Space Time Hero Thirteen replied. "This is the Unforseen Simulation Joint. Today you will learn the risk's of your own Quirk inside a safe, secure and heavily monitored environment."


"Safe and secure my arse." Katsuki scoffed.

Three minutes.

That's how long it took the USJ to go from 'safe' and 'secure' to a cesspool of villainous activity.

A large swarm of Villains had broken into the USJ and imeaditly scattered the class across the entire joint.

He had the unfortunate luck of being dumped with someone else. Though somewhat fortunately, that someone was Cheeks.

Despite reminding him of the Nerd with some of her little mannerisms she was the second most competent member of his class.

First obviously being him whilst the third being Mister Ice Princess. Son of the Number Two Hero and the arrogant fuck only chooses to use half of his power. What an absolute dickhead.

"Duck!" Cheeks yelled.

Instinctively, Katsuki did as she suggested and watched in mild horror as a stone pillar went sailing overhead.

A few villains managed to avoid the attack. Those that didn't, probably ended up regretting not taking track in school.

"You're pretty nifty Cheeks." Katsuki said, sliding next to her.

"Right.. back atcha.. Poms..."


"Well, you're calling.. me Cheeks. And your hair.. looks like pom poms."

The pair fought by each other's side for the next couple of minutes. Any villain that got in their way was either blasted to hell or sent flying into the stratosphere.

'Huh. She's pretty good.' Katsuki thought, watching as she delivered a powerful punch to the gut of a stone-like giant of a man.

The nearly eight foot man crumpled to the ground, bawling his eyes out whilst Cheeks floated back down onto solid footing.

"Well, this is quite fascinating." A cold, dry voice called out, ringing through the battle field.

A black haired man with a sinister smirk walked into view, the other villains cowering back.

Purplish-blue slabs of flesh hung to the man's body, only remaining thanks to the dozens of rusty staples dotted around his frame.

"You know, when Giran told me about the insane fucker and his plan to attack UA Academy, I nearly told him to fuck right off." The villain said.

Before the villain could continue his monologue, Katsuki interrupted him.

"Spare us the fucking story."

Cheeks glanced over to Katsuki with shock, but she clenched her first and held her head high.

A small flicker of blue flame appeared around the villain's hands and Katsuki smirked.

"So, Endeavor Lite, what's it gonna be?" Katsuki continued. "You can either try and fight us and get the shit stomped out of you, or you could save us the effort and end your own miserable existence."

"I think I'm going to kill you first." The villain growled.

Moments later a Tsunami of azure flame washed down the street, headed straight for the two students.

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