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Three weeks had gone by since Izuku had attempted the Entrance Exam. Whilst waiting for his results he continued to hit the gym and had begun work on a second version of his energy gauntlet.

So far, he has done nothing but fail. All three attempts blowing up in his face and coating the garage in several layers of soot.

"Yo, Midoryia!" One of the gym staff called out. "Did you get into UA yet?"

"I don't know. I should hear back from them today at the earliest." Izuku replied, as he packed his stuff up. It was nearing closing time, and he should really consider returning home sometime soon.

"Well, let us know when you get in. We're all rooting for you kid."

Izuku had a stupid grin plastered to his face all the way home. It was nice knowing that someone believed in him.

By the time he had returned home the sun was setting, casting a peaceful light over his small house. The curtains were pulled shut, shutting away the inside of the house. The porch light was on, though faintly as it wasn't quite needed yet.

As Izuku slowly made his way up the old rickety stairs, he spotted a small package neatly hidden out of sight.

It had his name on it.

Intrigued, Izuku took it inside with him, placing it on the table for the time being.

Half an hour went by as he had a shower and made himself dinner, finally opening the package as he ate.

Inside the package was a small circular disk that upon activation displayed a small holographic All Might.

"Greetings, young man!" The mini All Might said. "I am here to welcome you into UA Academy!"

Izuku's eyes widened with shock. He had gotten in. He hadn't failed.

"During your written exam you managed to score a grand total of eighty-seven out of a hundred, which is quite impressive. During your practical test you scored a whopping eighty-five points, as well as twenty-two reacue points. Rescue points, coming from a second criteria in which we were secretly testing you on. Now, if my maths is correct, that's a grand total of one hundred and ninety-four points, placing you in the Heroics course!"

Izuku dropped his fork, letting in clatter onto the table, burrying his face into his hands as tears slipped down his face.  He had succeeded. He was going to be a Hero. He could prove he wasn't a useless nobody.

"Young man." The display All Might said, his voice suddenly having a soft edge to it. "I am proud of how far you've come since we met. In a little under a year you've gone from being a stick thin figure, a mere breath away from death, to someone who managed to impress the staff of UA. I am looking forward to seeing the kind of Hero you become, Izuku Midoryia."

With that, the device powered off. A waterfall of tears suddenly burst out of Izuku's eyes. This was the best day of his life.


Kan Sekijiro, was enjoying his evening glass of red wine when his computer binged. Intrigued, he rolled over to it, the wheels of his chair leaving tracks in his carpet.



Greetings, Sekijiro.

I hope this email finds you well. I have just gone over the successful student applicants and have constructed your class for this year.

Below contains two documents, one being your class list and the other their files.

Sincerely, Nezu.

Kan frowned out his glass of wine in his hand and after several minutes of hard thought he'd come to a decision. He'd check out the class list this evening, and read over the files tomorrow. After all, he had three days until school started up again. He didn't need to rush.

With a quick click from his mouse, Kan began to read.

Class 1-B. Population, 20 students, 1 teacher.

Recommendation Students: 2.
Entrance Exam: 18.

1. Momo Yaozarouzu.   Creation.
2. Setsuna Tokage.         Lizard Splitter.

3. Kinzoku Tetsutetsu.    Steel.
4. Neito Monoma.           Copy.
5. Itsuka Kendo.              Battle Fist.
6. Minoru Mineta.           Pop Off.
7. Kinoko Kimori.           Shrooms.
8. Ibara Shiozaki.           Vines.
9. Reiko Yanagi.             Poltergeist.
10. Jurota Shishida.       Beast.
11. Ejirou Kirishima.    Sturdy.
12. Yui Kodai.                Re-Size.
13. Togaru Kamikiri.    Blades.
14. Shihai Kuroiro.       Shadow.
15. Fumikage Tokoyami. Dark Shadow.
16. Kojiro Bondo.           Glue.
17. Sen Kaibara.             Gyrate.
18. Manga Fukidashi.    Manga.
19. Mina Ashido.           Acid.
20. Izuku Midoryia.     N/A.

Kan frowned, staring at the last name on the list. Izuku Midoryia. His Quirk wasn't listed. That could mean one of two things, one the Quirk was confidential and he didn't have the security clearance to see it, which would be annoying.

How was he meant to teach a studrif he didn't know what they could do?

However, the second and most likely answer was Izuku Midoryia was Quirkless.

Sighing, Kan put his wine down and opened up the second document in the email. Looks like he was going to have to check out the files tonight if he wanted answers.

"Fucking brat." He grumbled under his breath. He hasn't even met the kid, let alone taught him yet and he was already being a pain in his arse.

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