Chapter Seven: Toxic

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~Warning!: Cliff hanger. >:)

Casey walked into the room back at the Avengers place. The door automatically closed behind her, clicking, telling her she was locked in. She let out a frustrated sigh. She had no clue why she was in this room. She then heard a small cough behind her. She tensed up slightly and turned around slowly to find Adeen sitting there. Adeen looked up and rolled her eyes looking away from her with a disgusted expression upon her face.

            “Oh, great. We’ve been set up. This is just peachy, being stuck in a room with you.”

            “What did I do to you to make you resent me so much?” Casey angrily asked, clenching her hands into fists.

            “Hey, you two need to knock it off!”  a voice said over the speakers.

            “I should have known you were up to this, Henry Pym…” Adeen growled under her breath.

            “You guys need to talk and be civil with each other.” Bruce stated this time. “If you are going to work with each other, you need to resolve the conflict.”

            Casey looked over at Adeen with her arms folded across her chest looking more annoyed. They had been set up by two geniuses who hated each other. They both didn’t want to be in the same room with each other. There was no possible way they were going to talk like civilized people or even get along at that.

            “All right, if it’s talking we are supposed to do, I’m going to say what I think about you, O’Sullivan. You’re a bitch, you’re selfish, you only care about yourself, and you think you are the oh so powerful one.”

            “I really wish she didn’t say that…” Bruce mumbled to Hank in the other room.

            Adeen slammed her hands down on the table angrily in fists, bolting up from her seat. Her eyes were narrowed, throwing knives at Casey. Casey began to feel uneasy from the glare but kept her ground for a while longer. She didn’t what Adeen would do or say to her. She seemed capable of doing anything that could possibly harm her in any way.

            “How dare you speak to me like that?! You don’t even know who the Hell I am and what I’ve gone through! You know nothing about me! If you stepped into my footsteps, you’d understand why I’m such a bitch at times! So just shut the Hell up and think before you speak!”

            As Adeen spoke, she began walking towards Casey with clenched fists. Casey saw this and energy began to surround her hand again so she could protect herself. Hank and Bruce quickly entered the room pulling the girls back and setting them down in a chair facing each other.

            “You both need to calm down.” Hank sternly ordered, looking at both of them.

            Adeen nodded slowly taking a deep breath. Casey noticed something was definitely wrong with Adeen. Perspiration lined her forehead and she was 5xs paler than her normal skin tone. She also noticed she was trembling slightly. Casey looked up at Bruce and noticed he was looking down at Adeen with concern and so was Hank.

            “Adeen, are you all right?” Bruce asked, beginning to worry about her.

            “I-I’m fine…I just don’t feel well…all of a sudden…” Adeen answered quietly, her speech slow and stuttered.

            “Why don’t you go lie down for a little bit…?” Hank suggested, looking at Adeen.

            “I’m…f-….all right…I’m not going to argue…”

            She stood up slowly and began walking towards the door with the three following behind her. Adeen walked out into the hall, feeling extremely dizzy. She began seeing two as she walked and stumbled, outstretching her arm to lean against the wall. Bruce went to her side, not liking how this was going.

            “I’m…fine…” she assured him weakly, as she stood back up and began walking again.

            Her eyes began closing slowly, then her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed to the ground. Bruce rushed over to her and caught her before she hit her head on the ground. Her eyes were completely shut now, her body limp and her breathing shallow.

            “Adeen?! Adeen, wake up…Adeen?”

            Adeen’s eyes wouldn’t open. She remained unconscious, not responding to a word he said. Others hearing Bruce shout came hurrying down the hall.

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