004...The Jimi Hendrix experience!

Start from the beginning

Once again the original's brows furrowed, confused at his words. "Alek, I-"

"Despite my desires to keep everything as it is, my heart can bear it no longer. I love you, Kara. Even as I stand here now, my heart in my throat I cannot continue to act as if I don't — as if the very notion of you does not excite me so. I may not be a religious person Kara, but when it comes to you I am convinced God made you for me and my honour is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every waking moment in your presence. Tell me now, for my heart can no longer stand it — say you love me and I am yours eternally, I beg of you."

With every syllable that left his mouth, he strode closer — breaking every boundary that stood between the pair, riding the fine line betwixt friends and lovers. Now, they stood mere inches apart, the only thing standing in their way of holding one another was the very air that Alek now whispered into.

"Put me out of my misery," He whispered — so softly that if Kara weren't standing so close she would surely miss it. "Tell me that I have not ruined everything."

She placed a hand on her chest, grasping the golden heart once more. A struggled gasp escaped her lungs, her eyes frantically looking around — desperate to find the answers Alek so desperately sought.

"I do not know what to say," Kara whispered, shakily grabbing one of his hands, "other than that I love you too."

The sheer relief that flooded his face gave him a more youthful appearance, the very joy that slipped on his features relaxing the tautness that showed during his worry. Alek lifted his hand, the other holding Kara's softly, reaching to cup her face. And, as though it were muscle memory, Kara leaned into his touch.

He pressed his forehead against her own, smiling in pure delight. "I love all of you Aleksander." She stated before pulling him into a soft kiss.


1969sullivan county, new york

Kara and Alek didn't need to hit a joint to feel the high, the festival was enough to fuel their bodies dopamine — swaying and singing along to the likes of Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead.

At the moment, Jimi Hendrix was playing Message to Love. As the beginning notes of the song filled the breezy summer air. Alek twirled Kara around, smiling down at her as they began to slow dance.

His sultry voice filled the arena, "Don't you run away, Look at your heart, Come along with me today."

The moment was pure ecstasy, the feeling of being in one another's arms, unbothered by the outside world. Because in that moment, it was just them — just Aleksander and Kara.

"God," she breathes out, "I wish we could stay like this forever." She closed her eyes, consumed by pure bliss.

A low laugh escaped him, the vibrations humming against her skull. "Vita mia, I'm pretty sure we do have forever."

"Not like that," she exhales a soft chuckle, "I mean; like to marry someone, have kids." She had a wistful look in her eye, a type of twinkle that shone like the stars to Alek.

There was a moment of silence, a long string that aloud him to ponder. "...What if we did?" He asked.


He looked down at her, "What if we did the whole 'american dream' thing?" Kara furrowed her brow, Alek meeting her gaze with complete seriousness in his own. He pulled his lower lip between his teeth, taking her hand into his own.

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