ch 3

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I think I definitely did something yesterday night that I would really regret. A splitting headache made its way and I saw a few glimpses. So I cried yesterday, huh shocking.

I got down the bed and walked towards the washroom and looking at the mirror gosh i was a mess. A hot mess. Sigh sadly not.... just a mess. My hairs were well a bird's nest and my eyes bloodshot and there were tear stains. I splash some cold water and well do my daily routine.


We were having dinner with well some other family whose name I didn't bother remembering when the guy sitting opposite to me and I made eye contact and he smiled. Creepy

He suddenly took my hand pulled up my sleeves and caress my wrist and he felt the scar and looked up to me and gave me a huge smile. Creepy again.

"You know the moment I saw you I knew you were like me ", he says pointing towards his own wrist

"What a fucked up kid with suicidal tendencies?".

"Yuppp, so wanna double suicide?" , he asks a crazy grin making its way on his face. And I burst out laughing. I could feel the others staring at me

Clutching my stomach and wiping of the tears I say ," sureee"

"Reallyyy!!? No take backs okay!! " , he says his excitement quite clear from how he is literally bouncing in his chair.


The Russian mafia, well for the first time since forever I actually know with who I am gonna have dinner with. I mean the dinners not with the entire mafia obviously just the current person who is leading it and his heir.

So currently minding my own business and trying to ignore the stare I am getting from this 'heir' of Russian mafia I continue to sip my mango juice.

Now why is this man staring at me? I don't know honestly. It started around last week that this guy started following me, saying he wants to get to know me. I was is no mood to socialize that day so I did wat I am best at. Ignore. The second time we met, he sat beside me and just stared at me the whole time. Again I ignored and this has been going for the whole week! And now he is in my home.

Sigh, have I lost my touch in ignoring people. I mean by now the other person should have gotten the message and stopped. Clearly this guy didn't.

I place my cup down and look him in the eye and he smiles. I take out my mini note pad from my pants pockets and write down my number and slide it to him. He takes a look at it and beams at me if that is a thing.


When the song was done she walked down the stage and came towards my seat and sat on my lap, pulled me towards a kiss. Not shocked by her behavior I pull back and sigh.

I groan,'' do you really have to do this every single time?"

"You know how much I love attention ", she says smirking at me twiddling with the sleeves of my hoodie.

"And you know how much I don't "

"I know, so let's get out of here" , she whispers near my ears.

"Then get off", I say trying to push her off in response to which she wrapped her arms around my neck and whispered 'carry me'.

I sigh and get up ,her legs wrap around my waist and I can feel everyone staring at us. Gods there goes my low profile.

Now in the empty hallway, "was it Damon who was shooting daggers in my back hm?"

"Who else would it be ", she said chuckling. What do you find funny women that man is the most possessive guy out there he will make my life a living hell -not like it already isn't, but I very much like my peace -

"Why did you fight him again? Can't you find another guy to make him jealous" , it's irritating getting stuck between a lover's quarrel.

"No can do my dear Arth, he still thinks that you are very much in love with me " she said grinning ear to ear. As much a peace loving person I am this women tends to bring out the violent side in me. Just like how I just want to punch her face right now.

"How does he even believe that, is he blind oh wait he is ", blindly in love with you.

She bursts out laughing like she understood the words I left unspoken. I shake my head and place her down.


Soft kisses littered my face and I smile. If I were to be waken up like this everyday I wouldn't ever mind leaving my fluffy bed. I heard an angelic giggle and when I finally opened my eyes ready to meet those pair of forest green eyes I am met with the sight of my dreadful ceiling.

It was a dream of course it was a fuckin dream! It's been two years, you should move on. I ignore that tiny voice in my head and walk towards the shower.

Placing myself onto the bathtub I relax, putting on some music and setting an alarm I head back to sleep knowing how rare my sleeps are I try to sleep whenever I am blessed with these rare sense of sleepiness.


Intertwining our hands, I look towards him and he offers me a huge smile. The wind flutters my loose shirt and my hairs. Standing on top of a 50 storey building on an evening of course it will be windy.

We slowly lean forward, closing my eyes ready to leave behind everything and sleep eternally. A small nagging guilt was in my mind but I shoo it away, ready to embrace the ground and hopefully never wake up again.

As each second pass by I lean much more forward yet I haven't seen any signs of me falling. Opening my eyes open I see my partner isnt doing the same. He is holding onto my hands and the railing with a death grip. I try to let go of his hand but to no avail he is not releasing it, looking at me with those tearful eyes. It was your idea god dammit!

Sigh, I guess I am not dying today.


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